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Iced Earth lyrics
In Jason's Mind lyrics
He's the creeper in the night He's the reaper with a knife He wears a mask to hide his face He's always ready for the chase Killing for the vengeance ...
Infiltrate And Assimilate lyrics
We must be swift Integrating with man Instating the vision of the Master Plan We'll placate the humans in need Their form we have taken Their tongue w...
Iron Will lyrics
Alone… Oh I know your lost and trying to find your way You have been betrayed… led astray Anger… Stirs inside and is tearing you apart Beating from th...
Jack lyrics
I, I am a bastard son Conceived of a hundred men Now, I am the chosen one Back, looking back Father William called me Johnny But my mother called me J...
Jack [Slovak translation]
Ja, ja som syn kríženca Vymyslený stovkami ľudí Teraz som vyvolený Späť, pozerám sa späť Otec William ma volal Johnny Ale moja matka ma volala Jack Ja...
Jeckyl & Hyde lyrics
What's the reason for me to be this way? I'm lying on the floor I've broken through some door I don't know how I came to this There is blood lust in m...
Last December lyrics
The howling winds blow On this moonlit night Eyes locked in fear With a dark embrace The bitter cold winds Freeze the tears that fall Hands held in gr...
Last December [Greek translation]
Ο άνεμος ουρλιάζοντας φυσά Αυτή τη σεληνοφώτιστη νύχτα Μάτια κλειδωμένα μέσα σε φόβο Με μια σκοτεινή αγκαλιά Οι πικροί κρύοι άνεμοι Παγώνουν τα δάκρυα...
Life And Death lyrics
I came into this world A screaming infant Forced entry into this life As I grow the pain sustains Deep inside my soul Visions come and visions go But ...
Melancholy lyrics
Make the sadness go away Come back another day For years I've tried to teach But their eyes are empty Empty too I have become For them I must die A sa...
Melancholy [French translation]
Fais partir la tristesse Reviens un autre jour Pendant des années j'ai tenté d'enseigner Mais leurs yeux sont vides Vide moi aussi je suis devenu Pour...
Melancholy [Greek translation]
Kάνε τη στενοχώρια να φύγει Επέστρεψε μια άλλη μέρα Για χρόνια προσπάθησα να διδάξω Αλλά αυτά τα μάτια είναι άδεια Άδειος έχω γίνει και εγώ Γι' αυτά π...
Melancholy [Serbian translation]
Učini da tuga nestane Da se vrati nekog drugog dana Godinama sam pokušavao da podučim Ali oči su im prazne I sam sam postao prazan Zbog njih moram umr...
Melancholy [Turkish translation]
Hüznü uzaklaştır Başka bir güne geri dön Yıllarca öğretmeye çalıştım Ama gözleri bomboş Fazlasıyla boş Onlar için geldim Ölmeliyim Üzücü ve sıkıntılı ...
Minions Of The Watch lyrics
When he was born The Elder gathered in the night They gave him shelter Clothed him, fed him with insight They taught him of the course Of human and th...
Motivation Of Man lyrics last we will claim What is rightfully ours Absolute power, absolute knowledge All the galaxies and the subjects therin Will kneel before the hum...
My Own Savior lyrics
My only comfort is in death My only solace, my dying breath For release, I have prayed Thrown past life, not afraid Life's a bitch, life's a whore Not...
My Own Savior [French translation]
La mort est mon seul réconfort, Mon dernier souffle ma seule consolation J'ai prié qu'on me libère Projeté par-delà la vie, je n'ai pas peur La vie es...
My Own Savior [Greek translation]
Η μόνη μου ανάπαυση βρίσκεται στον θάνατο H μόνη μου παρηγοριά, η τελευταία μου πνοή Για λύτρωση, προσευχήθηκα Nα με πετάξουν στην παλιά ζωή, δεν φοβά...
My Own Savior [Slovak translation]
Moje jediné pohodlie je v smrti Moja jediná útecha, môj umierajúci dych Pre uvoľnenie som sa modlil Vyhodil som minulý život, nebojím sa Život je pobe...
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