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Iced Earth lyrics
Dracula [Hungarian translation]
Hiszel a szerelemben? Hiszel a végzetben? Az igaz szerelem talán csak egyszer jön el Ezernyi élethossz során... Én is szerettem... De ők elvették őt t...
Dracula [Spanish translation]
Crees en el amor? Crees en el destino? El verdadero amor podría llegar sólo una vez en mil vidas... Yo también he amado me la arrebataron Recé por su ...
Dracula [Turkish translation]
Aşka inanır mısın? Kadere inanır mısın? Gerçek aşk yalnızca bin yaşamda bir gelebilir ... Bende sevdim Onu benden aldılar Onun ruhu için dua ettim Onu...
Dragon's Child lyrics
Since the dawn of time, he's been here Forgotten son, testing all our fears Nature's mistake, he sees no end The dragon's child, walks among man For c...
Dragon's Child [Turkish translation]
Zamanın başlangıcından beri buradaydı Unutulmuş oğul, tüm korkularımızı test ediyor Doğanın hatası, sonu görmüyor Ejderhanın çocuğu, insanın arasında ...
Dystopia lyrics
Enter the nightmare, this future does implore, Hijack your city state, a prison nothing more. Rounded up like cattle, you’re forced in to the trains, ...
Dystopia [German translation]
Betretet den Albtraum, diese Zukunft fleht Entführt euren Stadtstaat, ein Gefängnis, nicht mehr Wie Vieh zusammengetrieben, werdet ihr in die Züge gez...
Dystopia [Greek translation]
Μπες στον εφιάλτη, αυτό το μέλλον επιτάσσει Κατάληψη της πόλης-κράτους, μια φυλακή, τίποτα παραπάνω Στιβαγμένοι σαν πρόβατα, με τη βία σε βάζουν μες τ...
End Of Innocence lyrics
Through the essence of your smile makes this fight all worthwhile oh, the perseverance of your life There you were, by my side giving me strength thro...
End Of Innocence [Greek translation]
Το ουσιώδες χαμόγελό σου δίνει νόημα στον αγώνα αυτόν Ω, η επιμονή στη ζωής σου Είσαι εκεί, δίπλα μου δίνοντάς μου δύναμη με την αγάπη και την υπερηφά...
Equilibrium lyrics
Inject and suppress the human feeling Love, hate, and sorrow leads us to eradication Mankind survives, to see another lifetime What is the final price...
Framing Armageddon lyrics
Centuries pass step by step Revelations coming threat Sand of time dark intent Divise creeds breeds discontent Prophecy, stars collide Born is he who ...
Frankenstein lyrics
A mastermind in the old watchtower Prying eyes must never find. Playing God in the final hour Insanity, such a fine line Overwhelmed by the mourning p...
Frankenstein [Greek translation]
Ένα λαμπρό μυαλό πάνω στο παλιό παρατηρητήριο Μάτια διψασμένα για να μάθουν δεν θα βρουν τίποτα. Παίζοντας τον Θεό την τελευταία ώρα Παραφτοσύνη, εξαί...
Ghost of Freedom lyrics
Every time you think about it It tears you up inside You curse the day your mother told you, your father died Now you're always searching Searching fo...
Ghost of Freedom [Greek translation]
Κάθε φορά που το σκέφτεσαι Βουρκώνεις μέσα σου Καταριέσαι τη μέρα που η μητέρα σου σου είπε ότι πέθανε ο πατέρας σου Τωρά συνέχεια ψάχνεις, ψάχνεις το...
Ghost of Freedom [Turkish translation]
Her düşündüğünde İçten içe canını yakar bu Annenin sana babanın öldüğünü söylediği güne Kahrediyorsun Şimdi sürekli arıyorsun Gitmemin sebebini arıyor...
Greenface lyrics
A warrior down to the depths of my soul I terrorize evil thats out of control. On land, in the air, at sea On danger I feed My warpaint, the last thin...
Harbinger Of Fate lyrics
When I was young I was different there was more inside of me so alone yet a sense of purpose the guiding light of the order nurtured me daunted by the...
High Water Mark lyrics
[1. Cannonade/Intro] [Instrumental] [2. The Burden of Command] [Lee:] "It Was Very Close Yesterday I Thought For Sure They Would Break But This Attack...
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