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Iced Earth lyrics
Dark City [Swedish translation]
Det här stället är mörkt och grått Orolig, jag känner mig splittrad Mitt sinne är fördunklat och diffust Detta skri byter skepnad Offra tidigare minne...
Dark City [Swedish translation]
detta ställe är mörk och grått Inte lätt, jag känner söndersliten mitt sinne grumlas och suddas Offer minnen svunnen Omedveten av vad jag har blivit S...
Dark Saga lyrics
The deal was rigged There's darkness in my soul I want to die again An empty soul shrouded in darkness Alone and confused what am I? Images flash memo...
Dark Saga [Croatian translation]
Dogovor je bio namješten Tama mi je u duši Želim ponovno umrijeti Prazna duša pokrivena u tami Sam i zbunjen, što sam ja? Slike bljesnu, sjećanja otup...
Dark Saga [Greek translation]
Η συμφωνία είχε γίνει Υπάρχει σκοτάδι στην ψυχή μου Θέλω να πεθάνω πάλι Μια άδεια ψυχή τυλιγμένη στο σκοτάδι Μόνος και μπερδεμένος, τί είμαι; Περνούν ...
Dark Saga [Slovak translation]
Dohoda bola zmanipulovaná Tam je temnota v mojej duši Chcem znovu umrieť Prázdna duša zahalená v tme Sám a zmätený, čo som? Predstavy blesku, spomienk...
Days Of Rage lyrics
They beat you black and blue You're fleeced, your anger's seething They turned their backs on you, betrayed! Fight or die, kill or be killed Society's...
Declaration Day lyrics
A desperate situation Forced to retaliation The task ahead a burden Men will suffer, that's for certain We'll charging to the fire The cause, we must ...
Defiance lyrics
They will try to crush your spirit Everyday just trying to bear it Dire thoughts to escape this suffering Tear this pain away With the blade in your w...
Defiance [Greek translation]
Θα προσπαθήσουν να καταστρέψουν το πνεύμα σου Κάθε μέρα απλά προσπαθώντας να το ανεχτείς Φρικτές σκέψεις για να ξεφύγεις από τον πόνο Απομάκρυνε αυτόν...
Democide lyrics
This blasphemy, why can't you see? Their crimes are crystal clear Deception reigns, you live in chains You can no longer feel In your eyes there is no...
Depths Of Hell lyrics
Angels coming from above Take the essence of his love Challengers call him from all around Demons coming from the ground Battles won and nothing gaine...
Desert Rain lyrics
The sympathy in my mind is growing cold Life is like the burning sand so I'm told The time is coming near when solitude appears Take the chains of opp...
Desert Rain [Slovak translation]
Súcit v mojej mysli chladneje Život je ako horiaci piesok takže som povedaný Čas sa blíži keď sa samota objavuje Beriem preč reťaze útlaku Cez piesky ...
Diary lyrics
Mine is pure darkness It is as blackness is Damn the light which comes from You as a moth to flame I burn In the twilight of morning I rest my weary e...
Disciples Of The Lie lyrics
You abuse and you victimize But you're dignified, so you justify It's in your eyes where deception lies So you criticize with cruel eyes Father in bla...
Divide And Devour lyrics
Through the folds of time I forge the way Messiah to my own and sent to slay I am pure embodied rage Made of a million souls that dearly paid The icy ...
Dracula lyrics
Do you believe in love? Do you believe in destiny? True love may come only once in a thousand lifetimes... I too have loved... they took her from me. ...
Dracula [Dutch translation]
Geloof je in de liefde? Geloof je in het noodlot? Ware liefde komt misschien maar eens in duizend levens... Ook ik heb bemind... Zij werd mij ontnomen...
Dracula [Greek translation]
Πιστεύεις στην αγάπη; Πιστεύεις στο πεπρωμένο; Η αληθινή αγάπη ίσως να έρθει μια φορά στις χίλιες ζωές... Κι εγώ αγάπησα... Την πήραν μακριά μου. Προσ...
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