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Iced Earth lyrics
Come What May lyrics
As I watch through the ages And gaze upon this world The troubled race of man So impetuous and afraid There's potential in this race A man can spark h...
Consequences lyrics
As human beings, we're a complex thing Sometimes so beautiful, other times so vain We've built an empire, the blood is on our hands Genocide and the c...
Consequences [Greek translation]
Ως ανθρώπινα όντα, είμαστε περίπλοκοι Μερικές φορές τόσο όμορφοι, άλλες φορές τόσο ματαιόδοξοι Χτίσαμε μια αυτοκρατορία,το αίμα βρίσκεται στα χέρια μα...
Creator Failure lyrics
A lonely maiden stands Bound to the obelisk As she tugs and pulls And tries to twist Shackles slice her virgin wrists Blood now covers her tiny hands ...
Creator Failure [Turkish translation]
Yalnız bir bakire duruyor Dikilitaş a bağlı Çekerken ve çekerken Bükmeye çalışır Bakire bileğindeki pranga parçasını Şimdi kan onun küçük ellerini kap...
Crown Of The Fallen lyrics
Many lifetimes have come and gone In elation of this day By the Order's hand The minions forged his way At age thirteen Dawn the Days of Revealing The...
Crucify The King lyrics
Look at you now Exalted no more Scourging's left your blood Soaked into the floor For having the sight You will pay a heavy price Martyr for mankind C...
Cthulhu lyrics
We see the air is thick Between the ocean and the forest mist This blackened ocean calling for us Our minds are drawn to hate's eternal storm The bein...
Cthulhu [German translation]
Wir sehen, die Luft ist dick Zwischen Meer und Waldnebel Dieser düstere Ozean ruft nach uns Unsere Gedanken werden angezogen vondes Hasses ewigen Stur...
Cthulhu [Greek translation]
Βλέπουμε ότι ο αέρας είναι πυκνός Ανάμεσα στον ωκεανό και την ομίχλη του δάσους Αυτός ο μαύρος ωκεανός μας καλεί Το μυαλό μας έλκεται από την κατεγίδα...
Cthulhu [Italian translation]
Vediamo l'aria spessa Tra l'oceano e la nebbia della foresta Questo oceano annerito ci sta chiamando Le nostre menti sono portate all'odio della tempe...
Curse The Sky lyrics
How much hate Can one man feel When his kingdom is crumbling How much pain Can one man take When his future is melting Eyes of fire blast his brain Cu...
Damien lyrics
So the beast resides in me Deep down, I always knew I never really did fit in So diverse from all of you Let him who comprehends Know the number of th...
Damien [Greek translation]
Το θηρίο λοιπόν κατοικεί μέσα μου Πολύ βαθιά, πάντα το ήξερα Ποτέ δεν ταίριαζα [με τους υπόλοιπους] αληθινά Τόσο διαφορετικός απ' όλους εσάς Αυτός που...
Damien [Turkish translation]
Bu yüzden canavar içimde yaşıyor Derinlerde hep biliyordum Asla gerçekten uyum sağlamadım Bu yüzden hepinizden çok çeşitli Anlamasına izin ver Canavar...
Dante's Inferno lyrics
Through the fiery caverns we sail Virgil at my side my guide and master Questing through the nine plains of hell Infernal wisdom shall fill my soul Sl...
Dante's Inferno [Greek translation]
Μέσα από τα πύρηνα σπήλαια πλέουμε ο Βιργίλιος βρίσκεται στο πλευρό μου, ο οδηγός και ο αφέντης μου Εξερευνώντας μέσα από τις εννέα πεδιάδες της κόλασ...
Dante's Inferno [Turkish translation]
Ateşli mağaralar arasından yelken açtık Virgil benim tarafımda,benim rehberim ve efendim Cehennemin dokuz ovasından soru Cehennemi bilgelik ruhuma yay...
Dark City lyrics
This place is dark and grey Uneasy, I feel torn apart My mind is clouded and blurred This cry is interchanging Sacrifice memories past Unaware of what...
Dark City [Greek translation]
Αυτό το μέρος είναι σκοτεινό και γκρίζο Ανήσυχος, νιώθω διχασμένος Το μυαλό μου είναι συννεφιασμένο και θολό Αυτό το κλάμα εναλλάσσεται Θυσίασα τις αν...
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