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Iced Earth lyrics
The Last Laugh [Slovak translation]
Moja osobná žiadosť aby som vyrobil tvoje peklo života Áno drahý priateľ, počúvaj dobre Moc ktorú son dal rovnako môžem vziať Vzal som tvoju dušu a da...
The Path I Choose lyrics
During the last rays of the sacred moon I walk the desolate terrain cold and all alone The rider came to me a black tornado, a violent mass The cloud ...
The Path I Choose [Slovak translation]
Počas posledných lúčov posvätného mesiaca Kráčam po neobývanom teréne chladný a celkom sám Jazdec prišiel ku mne, čierne tornádo, násilná hromada Mrak...
The Phantom Opera Ghost lyrics
[C:] I feel you, from beyond the walls you speak to me [E:] Christine my love Paris now will worship you You will star soon I'll kill to make it sure ...
The Phantom Opera Ghost [Greek translation]
[Κ:] Σε αισθάνομαι, πέρα από τους τοίχους μου μιλάς [Ε:] Κριστίν, αγάπη μου Το Παρίσι θα σε λατρέψει Σύντομα θα γίνεις αστέρι Θα σκοτώσω για να το σιγ...
The Pierced Spirit lyrics
Gaze upon me now A desperate soul for all time Bound forever to this barren land... desolate My spirit has been pierced So crucify if you must But jus...
The Pierced Spirit [Turkish translation]
Şimdi bana bak Her zaman umutsuz bir ruh Sonsuza kadar bu çorak araziye bağlı... Issız Ruhum delindi Çarmıha ger, eğer zorundaysan Ama sadece inancınd...
The Reckoning [Don't Tread On Me] lyrics
Destiny's called us It's the reckoning This time it's for blood Don't tread on me Revenge is not justice It's the reckoning This time it's for blood D...
The relic [part 1] lyrics
He was drawn into the shamans sacred place Where the relic calls his name Just a minion in the game In a trance like state A vessel for its needs Oh o...
The relic [part 1] [Greek translation]
Είχε τραβηχτεί στον ιερό τόπο των σαμάνων Όπου το λείψανο καλεί το όνομά του Μόνο ένα τσιράκι στο παιχνίδι Σαν σε φάση ύπνωσης Ένα αγγείο για τις ανάγ...
The Revealing lyrics
The Revealing comes, now that he's thirteen Told of his coming trials, what is meant to be Taught the arts of the ancients for the mother's sake Time ...
The veil lyrics
Another long and restless night The pain inside You've fought it all these years And now you're growing tired You won't suffer very long It's almost t...
The veil [Greek translation]
Άλλη μια μεγάλη και ανήσυχη μέρα Ο πόνος μέσα Τον πολέμησες όλα αυτά τα χρόνια Και τώρα μεγαλώνεις κουρασμένος Δεν θα υποφέρεις πάρα πολύ Είναι σχεδόν...
Tragedy & Triumph lyrics
Here we stand, I know it's always been our home We're awakened from our prison A new day, it's finally here, We walk the streets without fear Our huma...
Travel In Stygian lyrics
Through the flames I watch As you plead on your knees The reaper awaits The ride that you take Through the lake, lake of flames Will decide your fate ...
Travel In Stygian [Slovak translation]
Cez plamene pozorujem Keď prosíš na svojích kolenách Kosák očakáva Jazdu ktorú berieš Cez jazero, jazero plameňov Rozhodne o tvojom osude Bolo to všet...
V lyrics
His mind is worn and so tortured Suffering was part of the plan Blades flying swift with justice Remember the idea not the man Rising up from the fire...
V [Greek translation]
Το μυαλό του είναι φθαρμένο και τόσο βασανισμένο Η ταλαιπωρία ήταν μέρος του σχεδίου Λεπίδες πετούν γοργά με δικαιοσύνη Θυμηθείτε την ιδέα, όχι τον άν...
Valley Forge lyrics
Close your eyes and imagine the soldier at Valley Forge The suffering that he endured was real starvation, total war. Yet in has eyes the iron will to...
Vengeance Is Mine lyrics
Hear now this story of the man that should not be A ghoul of blackened torment, sullen atrocity A kindred soul to the devils own, malignance personifi...
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