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Iced Earth lyrics
Stormrider [Italian translation]
Mentre viaggio per i piani astrali Vedo davanti a me la frattura Come se il cielo fosse esploso in fiamme Avanzo di fronte alla tempesta Un fulmine ir...
Stormrider [Tongan translation]
Neongo 'i hoku fano 'i he ngoue fakafetu'u Neu sio ha ava 'i mu'a ni 'O hange na'e pa 'e he langi mo e afi Kimu'a he taufa 'oku ou heka ai Fa 'e he 'u...
Ten Thousand Strong lyrics
A gathering summoned by the Elder A consequence of what's imminent A prophecy dark and foreboding Forces them to face human intent The chosen seek ref...
Ten Thousand Strong [Greek translation]
Μια συγκέντρωση κλήθηκε από τους Πρεσβύτερους Συνέπεια αυτών που ακολουθούν Μια προφητεία σκοτεινή, κακό προαίσθημα Τους αναγκάζει να αντιμετωπίσουν α...
The Clouding lyrics
As I awake I have no memory of this Who I am, where I'm from, why do I exist? This strange beauty surrounds me But where I am confounds me I see other...
The Coming Curse lyrics
I walk the Earth just as they planned Baptized in fire for my ancient land The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye I vindicate and ...
The Coming Curse [Greek translation]
Περπατώ τη Γη ακριβώς όπως το είχαν σχεδιάσει Βαπτισμένος στη φωτιά για την αρχαία γη μου Η επικείμενη κατάρα, ο αντί-Χριστος σου, είμαι το μάτι του Π...
The Coming Curse [Slovak translation]
Kráčam po Zemi práve tak ako plánovali Pokrstený v ohni pre moju starovekú krajinu Prichádzajúca kliatba, vás antikrist, som okom pozorovateľa Očisťuj...
The Culling lyrics
Send them down to the pits of hell we clipped the angel's wings and watched them as they fell spiral into the silence Blackened sun turns the ancient ...
The Devil To Pay lyrics
In July 1863 A nation torn in tragedy A trick of fate, two great armies merge Gods of war at Gettysburg Devastation lies ahead 50,000 bodies litter th...
The Dimension Gauntlet lyrics
I face the gauntlet as my final test Thrusting through the vault of time and space Intergalactic, interstellar quest From this day forth, I manipulate...
The Domino Decree lyrics
Cause, this is the creed that brings effect That of which of mankind's besieged By our plans devised infect Kings and empires rise and fall By the Ros...
The End? lyrics
As we gaze uncertain of the future Breaking dawn reveals impending rapture The darkest days seem to fall behind us We stand tall with pure defiance St...
The Funeral lyrics
[Spoken words:] Once again we have laid another loved one to rest And as we fight the grief in our hearts We must realize that the fate of death is in...
The Great Heathen Army lyrics
Throw the pagan king into this pit of serpents He was a threat to Ella's greed See the heathens rise and fight for honor Tyr will guide us into rightf...
The Great Heathen Army [Greek translation]
Πετάξτε τον παγανιστή βασιλιά μέσα στο λάκκο των φιδιών Ήταν μια απειλή για την απληστία της Έλλας Δείτε τους αλλόθρησκους να αυξάνονται και πολεμήστε...
The Hunter lyrics
A force of light an angel Sent through time to destroy Avenging the dark ones Descending angelic force Heaven sent the hunter Her mission to crucify S...
The Hunter [Greek translation]
Μια δύναμη φωτός ένας άγγελος Στάλθηκε μέσα από το χρόνο για να καταστρέψει Εκδικούμενος τις σκοτεινές δυνάμεις Κατεβάζοντας την αγγελική δύναμη Ο παρ...
The Hunter [Slovak translation]
Sila svetla, anjel Poslaný cez čas aby zničil Pomsťujetemných Zostupujúca anjelská sila Nebo poslalo lovca Jej misia aby ukrižovala Zabíja pekelné ikr...
The Last Laugh lyrics
My personal quest is to make your life hell Yes dear friend listen up well The power I've given I can take as well I am your father destroyer of the l...
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