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Belle & Sebastian lyrics
Simple things [Catalan translation]
Si em vols, jo hi seré Un noi per encarregar-se dels teus problemes Però part del tracte És que sentis alguna cosa Si em vols mira cap amunt No existe...
Sleep the Clock Around lyrics
And the moment will come when composure returns Put a face on the world, turn your back to the wall And you walk twenty yards with your head in the ai...
Sleep the Clock Around [Catalan translation]
I vindrà el moment, en què tornarà la serenitat posaràs cara al món, giraràs l'esquena al mur, i camines vint iardes amb el teu cap a l'aire baixant L...
Sleep the Clock Around [Russian translation]
И момент настанет – вернётся самообладание Повернись лицом к миру, встань спиной к стене И пройди двадцать метров, высоко подняв голову К Холму Свобод...
Sleep the Clock Around [Spanish translation]
Y vendrá el momento en que volverá la serenidad pondrás cara al mundo, girarás la espalda al muro, y caminas veinte yardas con tu cabeza al aire bajan...
Step Into My Office, Baby lyrics
She called me up today Meet me down at the old café I jumped into the shower I was getting my marching orders We need to talk (need to talk) Step into...
Step Into My Office, Baby [Catalan translation]
M'ha trucat avui "Quedem al vell cafè" He volat cap a la dutxa i m'he posar el vestit de gala Hem de parlar (hem de parlar) Entra al despatx, baby Vul...
Sukie in the graveyard lyrics
Sukie was a kid, she liked to hangout in the graveyard She did brass rubbings, she learned you never have to press hard When she was finished hanging ...
Sukie in the graveyard [Catalan translation]
La Sukie era una nena, li agradava passar l'estona al cementiri calcava relleus, va aprendre que mai no has d'apretar massa Quan acabava de passar l'e...
Sukie in the graveyard [Spanish translation]
Sukie era una niña, le gustaba pasar el rato en el cementerio calcaba relieves, aprendió que nunca debes apretar demasiado Cuando acababa de pasar el ...
The blues is still blue lyrics
Look at the kid from school He’s teaching mamas and papas how to be a little cool He’s changing fashion, the way he dress The tracksuits are old, and ...
The blues is still blue [Catalan translation]
Mira aquest xaval de l'escola ensenya als pares i mares com ser una mica més "cool" canvia la moda, vestint com vesteix els xandalls són vells, i les ...
The blues is still blue [Spanish translation]
Mira este chaval de la escuela enseña a los padres y madres como ser un poco más guays cambia la moda, vistiendo como viste los chándales son viejos, ...
The Boy With the Arab Strap lyrics
A mile and a half on a bus takes a long time The odour of old prison food takes a long time to pass you by When you've been inside Day upon day of thi...
The Boy With the Arab Strap [Catalan translation]
Una milla i mitja en bus és una bona estona l'olor de menjar de presó antiga triga una bona estona a passar-te desapercebuda, si hi has estat dins. Di...
The Boy With the Arab Strap [French translation]
Un mile et demi sur un bus prend beaucoup de temps L'odeur de vielle nourriture de prison est long à ignorer Quand tu as déjà été au frais Jour après ...
The Boy With the Arab Strap [Spanish translation]
Una milla y media en bus toma un buen rato el olor de comida de prisión antigua tarda un buen rato en pasarte desapercibida, si has estado dentro. Día...
The Cat with the Cream lyrics
Sitting at the old kitchen table Peace and health and dreams stretching out in the darkness Mother’s up the stairs with her ageing new boyfriend Cathy...
The Fox In the Snow lyrics
Fox in the snow, where do you go To find something you can eat? Because the word out on the street is you are starving Don't let yourself grow hungry ...
The Fox In the Snow [German translation]
Fuchs im Schnee, wo gehst du hin, Um etwas zu essen zu finden? Denn was man so hört, ist, du bist am Verhungern Du sollst doch nicht hungern Du sollst...
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