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Belle & Sebastian lyrics
Expectations [Spanish translation]
El lunes por la mañana te levantas sabiendo que tienes que ir a la escuela Le explicas a mamá qué esperar, dice "está bien" saliendo de la nada ¿Quier...
Family Tree lyrics
I've been feeling down I've been looking round the town For somebody just like me But the only ones I see Are the dummies in the window They spend the...
For the price of a cup of tea lyrics
For the price of a cup of tea You’d get a line of coke For the price of a night with me You’d be the village joke For the price of a pint of milk I’ll...
For the price of a cup of tea [Catalan translation]
Pel preu d'una tassa de te tindries una ratlla de coca Pel preu d'una nit amb mi series la riota del poble Pel preu d'una pinta de llet t'explicaré to...
Funny Little Frog lyrics
Honey, lovin’ you is the greatest thing, I get to be myself and I get to sing, I get to play at being irresponsible, I come home late and love your so...
Funny Little Frog [Catalan translation]
Nena, estimar-te per mi és el més gran puc ser jo mateix, puc cantar també I puc jugar a fer l'irresponsable arribo tard a casa i estimo la teva ànima...
Funny Little Frog [Spanish translation]
Nena, amarte para mí es lo más grande puedo ser yo mismo y puedo cantar Y puedo jugar a ser irresponsable llego tarde a casa y amo tu alma, Nunca te o...
Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying lyrics
Ooh! Get me away from here I'm dying Play me a song to set me free Nobody writes them like they used to So it may as well be me Here on my own now aft...
Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying [Catalan translation]
Ohh! Treu-me d'aquí que em moro Toca'm una cançó per alliberar-me Ningú ja les escriu com es solia Així que també podria ser jo Aquí tot sol durant ho...
Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying [Spanish translation]
¡Oh! Sácame de aquí, me muero tócame una canción que me libere, ya no las escriben como antes así que bien podría ser yo. Aquí solo a deshoras aquí so...
Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying [Turkish translation]
ooh! Beni Burdan Götür Ölüyorum Beni hür bırakmak için bir şarkı çal Artık eskisi gibi iyi Şarkılar yazmıyorlar Ben de öyle Burda yanlız başıma saatle...
I Didn't See It Coming lyrics
Make me dance, I want to surrender Your familiar arms I remember We’ve been going transcontinental Got no car, we just take a rental But we don’t have...
I Didn't See It Coming [Catalan translation]
Fes-me ballar, vull rendir-me Recordo els teus familiars braços Hem rondat a través dels continents no teníem cotxe, simplement el llogàvem Però no te...
I Didn't See It Coming [Spanish translation]
Hazme bailar, quiero rendirme Recuerdo tus familiares brazos Hemos viajado a través de los continentes no teníamos coche, simplemente alquilábamos Per...
I Don't Love Anyone lyrics
I don’t love anyone You’re not listening You’re playing with something You’re playing with yourself I don’t love anyone You’re not listening even now ...
I Don't Love Anyone [Catalan translation]
No estimo ningú, No m'estàs escoltant Estàs jugant amb no-se-què Estàs jugant amb tu mateix No estimo ningú, No m'estàs escoltant ni tan sols ara Està...
I Don't Love Anyone [Greek translation]
Δεν αγαπώ κανέναν Δεν ακούς Παίζεις με κάτι Παίζεις με τον εαυτό σου Δεν αγαπώ κανέναν Ούτε τώρα ακούς Παίζεις με κάποιον Παίζεις με κάποιον άλλον Κι ...
I Don't Love Anyone [Italian translation]
Non amo nessuno Non stai ascoltando Stai giocando con qualcosa Stai giocando con te stessa Non amo nessuno Non stai ascoltando nemmeno ora Stai giocan...
I Fought In a War lyrics
I fought in a war And I left my friends behind me To go looking for the enemy And it wasn't very long Before I would stand With another boy in front o...
I Fought In a War [Portuguese translation]
Eu combati numa guerra E deixei a meus amigos de lado Para ir à procura do inimigo E não tardou muito Até eu me deparar Com outro rapaz diante de mim ...
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