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Skid Row (USA) lyrics
Wasted Time [Serbian translation]
Ти и ја у нашем заједничкомживоту Свете везе нисмо никададовели у сукоб. Зашто онда ја себи не дозвољавам лажи, Док те посматрамкако умиреш из дана у ...
Wasted Time [Turkish translation]
Sen ve ben hayatlarımızda birlikteyiz Kutsal bağlar asla yıpranmaz O zaman neden yalan söyleyemiyorum Ve her gün ölüşünü izliyorum Bence hayallerin ön...
We Are the Damned lyrics
Down between the steely grates Beneath the sewer's smile This city is our camouflage The underbelly's bile The night is choked with rosaries Black air...
When God Can't Wait lyrics
The kids are united, that's what we say Sometimes you've got to shovel shit To make a little pay When we hear the whistle we break the gate To lead 'e...
White Trash lyrics
Mama, I wanna grow up to be a drunk Sit around, watch TV and pick my feet I wanna get pissed off and jealous of anyone Who's successful and complain; ...
You Lie lyrics
You lie to me a first time You'll lie to me again You pushed me out the front door While some stranger's walking in The way you say you love me is as ...
Youth Gone Wild lyrics
Since I was born, they couldn't hold me down. Another misfit kid, another burned-out town. I never played by the rules and I never really cared. My na...
Youth Gone Wild [Hungarian translation]
Mióta megszülettem, nem tudtak elnyomni engem Egy másik kallódó gyerek, egy másik kiégett város Soha nem játszotam a szabályok szerint és sose érdekel...
Youth Gone Wild [Portuguese translation]
Desde que eu nasci, eles não conseguiram me conter Outro garoto desajustado, outra cidade em chamas Eu nunca joguei segundo as regras e nunca me impor...
Youth Gone Wild [Romanian translation]
De când m-am născut, ei nu m-au putut ține sub papuc Un alt copil nepotrivit, un alt oraș incendiat. Nu am jucat niciodată după reguli și niciodată nu...
Youth Gone Wild [Serbian translation]
Otkada sam rodjen nisu mogli da me zadrze Jos jedan odbaceni klinac,jos jedan spaljeni grad Nikada nisam igrao po pravilima za koja nikada nisam mario...
Youth Gone Wild [Turkish translation]
Doğduğumdan beri beni tutamadılar Başka bir uyumsuz çok başka bir bitmiş şehir Hiç kurallara uymadım hiç umrumda olmadı Benim kötü ünüm beni her yere ...
Zero Day lyrics
Their eyes are looking down on us The walls, they all have ears Theres nothing sacred left except Our hatred, love and tears I know the person trapped...
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