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Kim Wilde featuring lyrics
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime lyrics
Im Sturz durch Raum und Zeit Richtung Unendlichkeit Fliegen Motten in das Licht Genau wie du und ich Wrap your fingers 'round my neck You don't speak ...
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime [Czech translation]
Na podzim přes prostor a čas, směrem k nekonečnu. Molům létatdo světla, stejně jako vy i já Omotejte prsty "kulatý mého krku nechcete hovořit svým dia...
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime [English translation]
In the fall through space and time, towards infinity. Moths fly into the light, exactly like you and I. *Wrap your fingers 'round my neck You don't sp...
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime [Romanian translation]
Căzând prin spațiu și timp, Către infinit. Molii zboară în lumină, La fel ca tine și ca mine. Puneți degetele în jurul gâtului meu. Nu-mi vorbești dia...
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime [Russian translation]
Продираясь в пространстве и времени К нам бесконечность летит Как мотылечек на свете, Точно как я и как ты! Как-то, когда-то и где-то Предстанет гряду...
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime [Serbian translation]
S jeseni, kroz prostor i vreme ka beskonačnosti Moljci lete ka svetlosti baš kao ti i ja Obavij ruke oko moga vrata Ne govoriš mojim naglaskom Ali se ...
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime [Spanish translation]
En la caída a tráves del espacio y tiempo hacia el infinito Polillas volando hacia la luz Como tu y yo Envuelve tus dedos alrededor de mi cuello Tu no...
Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime [Turkish translation]
Uzay ve zamanda sonsuzluğa, Doğru giderken, Güveler ışığa doğru uçuyor, Aynı sen ve ben gibi, Boynumu parmaklarınla sar Dillerimiz aynı değil ama Birb...
Les nuits sans Kim Wilde
Les nuits sans Kim Wilde Je m'ennuie souvent Des fois je m'balade Ça dépend Je passe des scopitones Des chanteurs sur films Mais les frères Jackson C'...
Les nuits sans Kim Wilde [English translation]
Nights without Kim Wilde I'm often bored Sometimes I go for a walk It depends I watch music videos Singers on film But the Jackson brothers1 That's no...
Les nuits sans Kim Wilde [German translation]
Die Nächte ohne Kim Wilde Ich langweile mich oft Manchmal gehe ich spazieren Kommt drauf an Ich lasse Scopitones laufen Sänger auf Film Aber Jackson F...
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