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The All-American Rejects lyrics
Dirty Little Secret [French translation]
Fais-moi savoir ce que j'ai fait de mal, Alors que je savais tout ça depuis le début Je fais le tour une fois ou deux, Simplement afin de perdre mon t...
Dirty Little Secret [Greek translation]
Πες μου τι έχω κάνει λάθος Όταν το ήξερααυτό ανέκαθεν Θα πάω γύρω μία φορά ή και δύο Απλά για να περάσω την ώρα μου μαζί σου Πες μου όλα όσα πέταξες Β...
Dirty Little Secret [Hungarian translation]
Mondd meg nekem, hogy mi rosszat tettem Mikor végig tudtam ezt Teszek még egy-két kört Csak hogy pazaroljam veled az időt Mondj el mindent, amit eldob...
Dirty Little Secret [Italian translation]
Fammi sapere che ho sbagliato Quando avrò saputo tutto quanto Faccio un giro o due Soltanto per sprecare il mio tempo con te Raccontami di tutto ciò c...
Dirty Little Secret [Spanish translation]
Hazme saber que lo he hecho mal cuando lo he sabido todo el tiempo. Te he rondado una vez o dos sólo para malgastar mi tiempo contigo. Dime todo lo qu...
Dirty Little Secret [Turkish translation]
Yanlış yaptığımı bilmeme izin ver Bunu başından beri bildiğimde Bir iki kez dolaşırım Sadece zamanımı seninle harcamak için Bana attığın her şeyi söyl...
Do Me Right lyrics
I paint the moon, you draw the stars We can do anything that you want The night is done and young and I guess we’re just babies You let me lead but I ...
Don't Leave Me lyrics
You're sweet just like the sun But what happens when the sun doesn't stay? The night reminds me when you went away (I don't care, I don't care) Now my...
Don't Leave Me [Spanish translation]
Eres dulce justo como el sol ¿Pero qué pasa cuando el sol no está? La noche me recuerda a cuando te fuiste (No me interesa, no me interesa) Ahora la c...
Drive Away lyrics
She's gone away but still they stay together People call him crazy, crazy His thoughts progress, he thinks about forever His mind tells him maybe, may...
Drown Next To Me lyrics
Down down down into a cloud of shame You love me like a car wreck, wrapped around a tree Down down down, it’s the only way to go Sometimes it's hard t...
Eyelash Wishes lyrics
Spin round Tell me what to say Break down No other way What is it? Is this it? This is it Back to I never knew your name Stick through Sun after the r...
Fallin' Apart lyrics
Can somebody save me? Cuz I'm thinking maybe That you can take me piece by piece Then you got your reasons But I didn't need them And either way I'm o...
Fallin' Apart [Indonesian translation]
Dapatkah seseorang menyelamatkanku? Karna aku pikir mungkin kau bisa ambil aku bagian per bagian Lalu kau punya alasan-alasan Tapi aku tidak perlu itu...
Fast & Slow lyrics
If only for tonight. Yeah I could dig myself a grave, But even 6 feet down I know I'll be found feeling this way. If only I could find Yeah just a rea...
Fast & Slow [Spanish translation]
Si solo por esta noche Si, pudiera cavarme una tumba pero incluso 6 pies bajo tierra yo se, que seria encontrado con este mismo sentimiento Si solo pu...
Fembot lyrics
Went to bed with a smile. Bragged to my friends for a little while. And I wished for another date, to sit with you dazin'. I was in this state of toss...
Girl Of My Dreams lyrics
Beautiful you are Yeah, you I choose I look to the stars For a girl like you And what I lost I have found And, yeah, we'll wait around For the girl th...
Gives You Hell lyrics
I wake up every evening with a big smile on my face And it never feels out of place And you're still probably working at a 9 to 5 pace I wonder how ba...
Gives You Hell [Czech translation]
Každým večerem se probudím s velkým úsměvem na tváři A nikdy se cítí mimo místo A stále pracujete asi v rychlosti 9 až 5 Zajímalo by mě, jak špatné to...
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