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Swedish House Mafia lyrics
Don't You Worry Child [Korean translation]
시간 이 있었다 , 나는 나의 아버지의 눈을 들여다 하는 데 사용 행복한 가정 에서 , 나는 금 왕위를 가진 왕 이었다 그 시절은 지금, 사라 그 시절은 이제 추억 이 벽 에있는 , 사라 내가 태어난 곳 나는 장소 에서 소리를들을 푸른 호수를 가로 질러 언덕 위로, 내...
Don't You Worry Child [Latin translation]
Erat tempus, videbam in oculos patris mei In domû felicî, Eram rex habuî solium flavum illîs diêbus absentibus, nunc memoriae sunt in mure Audiô stepi...
Don't You Worry Child [Portuguese translation]
Houve uma época, em que eu olhava nos olhos do meu pai Em um lar feliz, eu era um rei, tinha um trono de ouro Esses dias se foram, agora as memórias e...
Don't You Worry Child [Romanian translation]
A fost un timp când obişnuiam să mă uit în ochii tatălui meu Într-o casă fericită, eram rege, aveam un tron de aur Acele zile au trecut, acum amintiri...
Don't You Worry Child [Russian translation]
Это было время, я часто глядел в глаза моего отца — В счастливом доме, я был королём, имеющий золотой трон. Те дни ушли, сейчас воспоминания на стене;...
Don't You Worry Child [Russian translation]
Было время Я смотрел в глаза отца В счастливом доме, я был королём на золотом троне Те дни прошли, теперь воспоминания на стене Я слышу звуки из тех к...
Don't You Worry Child [Serbian translation]
Bilo je vremena kad sam gledao u oči mog oca U srećnoj kući,bio sam kralj i imao zlatni presto Ti dani su prošli,sada su uspomene na zidu Čujem zvuke ...
Don't You Worry Child [Slovak translation]
Bol čas, keď som zvykol pozerať do očí môjho otca V šťastnom domove, bol som kráľ a mal zlatý trón Tie dni zmizli, teraz sú spomienky na stene* Počuje...
Don't You Worry Child [Spanish translation]
Hubo un tiempo en que yo solía mirar a los ojos de mi padre En un hogar feliz, yo era un rey que tenía un trono de oro Esos días se han ido, ahora los...
Don't You Worry Child [Swedish translation]
Det fanns en tid, när jag brukade titta in i min fars ögon I ett lyckligt hem, jag var en kung jag hade en guldtron De dagarna har försvunnit, nu finn...
Don't You Worry Child [Turkish translation]
Babamın gözlerinin içine bakardım bir zamanlar Mutlu bir yuvada, ben bir kraldım altın tahta sahip olan O günler geride kaldı , artık anılar duvarda D...
Leave The World Behind lyrics
People, can you hear me? Here's a message that I'm sending now, I've got the answer to all your problems, And tonight I'll be singing it loud Just sur...
Leave The World Behind [Hungarian translation]
People, can you hear me? Here's a message that I'm sending now, I've got the answer to all your problems, And tonight I'll be singing it loud Just sur...
Leave The World Behind [Portuguese translation]
People, can you hear me? Here's a message that I'm sending now, I've got the answer to all your problems, And tonight I'll be singing it loud Just sur...
Leave The World Behind [Romanian translation]
People, can you hear me? Here's a message that I'm sending now, I've got the answer to all your problems, And tonight I'll be singing it loud Just sur...
Leave The World Behind [Swedish translation]
People, can you hear me? Here's a message that I'm sending now, I've got the answer to all your problems, And tonight I'll be singing it loud Just sur...
Miami 2 Ibiza lyrics
She says she likes my watch, but she wants Steve’s AP And she stay up all hours watching QVC She said she loves my songs, she bought my mp3 And so I p...
Miami 2 Ibiza [Spanish translation]
She says she likes my watch, but she wants Steve’s AP And she stay up all hours watching QVC She said she loves my songs, she bought my mp3 And so I p...
St. Vincent lyrics
I am the antidote I’ll suck your venom out Show me where it really hurts I’ll show you where it really hurts Should’ve stopped for the wind Should’ve ...
St. Vincent [Serbian translation]
I am the antidote I’ll suck your venom out Show me where it really hurts I’ll show you where it really hurts Should’ve stopped for the wind Should’ve ...
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