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Mélanie Laurent featuring lyrics
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be lyrics
I walk away from you For the fist time strong And I did my best to see it through Now I'm watching you just thinking I'm wrong But I only wanted you t...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [French translation]
Je te quitte Fort pour la première fois Et j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu pour le faire Maintenant je te regarde comme tu crois que j'ai tort Mais je voulai...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [German translation]
Ich verlasse dich Zum ersten Mal stark Und ich habe mein Bestes getan, um es durchzuziehen Jetzt schaue ich dir dabei zu, wie du einfach denkst, dass ...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [Greek translation]
περπατάω μακριά σου για πρώτη φορά δυνατός και έβαλα τα δυνατά μου να το ολοκληρώσω τώρα σε κοιτάω απλά σκεπτόμενος ότι είμαι λάθος αλλά εγώ απλά ήθελ...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [Italian translation]
Mi allontano da te per la prima volta forte. E ho fatto del mio meglio per vedere oltre. Ora ti guardo pensando che sono solo nel torto. Ma io volevo ...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [Serbian translation]
Одлазим од тебе По први пут јак И дао сам све од себе да све сагледам А сада те гледам како ме осуђујеш А само сам желео да знаш Да никада нисам желео...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [Serbian translation]
Odlazim od tebe Po prvi put zaista I dao sam sve od sebe da vidim dobro Sada te gledam kako misliš da grešim Ali samo sam želeo da znaš Da nikada nisa...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [Spanish translation]
Me alejo de ti Por primera vez Convencido (de lo que hago) Hice todo lo mejor que pude para ver más allá Ahora te estoy viendo y pensando que me equiv...
Everything You're Not Supposed to Be [Turkish translation]
Senden uzaklaşıp gittim. İlk defa, güçlü. Ve elimden gelen her şeyi yaptım, iyice görebilmek için. Şimdi seni izliyorum, sadece yanıldığımı düşünerek....
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