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Antonio Banderas featuring lyrics
Beautiful Maria of my Soul lyrics
In the sunlight of your smile In the summer of our lives In the magic of love Storms above scattered away Lovers dreaming in the night Reaching for Pa...
Beautiful Maria of my Soul [Croatian translation]
In the sunlight of your smile In the summer of our lives In the magic of love Storms above scattered away Lovers dreaming in the night Reaching for Pa...
Beautiful Maria of my Soul [Greek translation]
In the sunlight of your smile In the summer of our lives In the magic of love Storms above scattered away Lovers dreaming in the night Reaching for Pa...
Beautiful Maria of my Soul [Russian translation]
In the sunlight of your smile In the summer of our lives In the magic of love Storms above scattered away Lovers dreaming in the night Reaching for Pa...
Beautiful Maria of my Soul [Serbian translation]
In the sunlight of your smile In the summer of our lives In the magic of love Storms above scattered away Lovers dreaming in the night Reaching for Pa...
And the Money Kept Rolling In [and Out]
[Che:] And the money kept rolling in from every side Eva's pretty hands reached out and they reached wide Now you may feel it should have been a volun...
And the Money Kept Rolling In [and Out] [Finnish translation]
[Che:] And the money kept rolling in from every side Eva's pretty hands reached out and they reached wide Now you may feel it should have been a volun...
Cancion del Mariachi
Soy un hombre muy honrado, que me gusta lo mejor Las mujeres no me faltan, ni al dinero, ni el amor Jineteando en mi caballo, por la sierra yo me voy ...
Cancion del Mariachi [Chinese translation]
我是一个坦诚的男人,喜欢最好的东西 我不缺少女人,金钱,也不缺爱 骑上我的马,上山去 星星和月亮告诉我去向何方 哦哦哦哦 哦哦,我的爱人 哦,我深色皮肤的女人 我的心肝 我喜欢弹吉他,我喜欢歌唱太阳 Mariachi陪着我,当我唱我的歌时 我喜欢喝几杯,烈性酒是极好的 新产的龙舌兰也很棒 和盐一起别...
Cancion del Mariachi [Croatian translation]
Ja sam vrlo iskren čovjek, volim najbolje stvari Ne nedostaju mi žene, ni novac, ni ljubav Jašući na svom konju, idem na planinu Zvijezde i mjesec, go...
Cancion del Mariachi [English translation]
I am a very honest man, who likes the best I don't lack women, money or love Riding my horse, through the mountains I go The stars and the moon, they ...
Cancion del Mariachi [English translation]
I'm a very honest man, I like the best of things I'm not lacking in women, nor money, nor love on horseback, to the mountain I go the stars and the mo...
Cancion del Mariachi [French translation]
Je suis un homme très honoré qui aime le meilleur. Il ne me manque ni l'argent, ni les femmes , ni l'amour. En galopant sur mon cheval, je m'en vais d...
Cancion del Mariachi [Greek translation]
Είμαι ένας άνδρας πολύ τιμώμενος, που μου αρέσει το καλύτερο Οι γυναίκες δεν μου λείπουν, ούτε τα λεφτά, ούτε η αγάπη Καβαλώντας το άλογο μου, εγώ πηγ...
Cancion del Mariachi [Hungarian translation]
Én egy igen tisztességes ember vagyok, aki csak a legjobbat szereti. Nem hiányoznak nekem a nők, a pénz és a szerelem sem. Lovam hátán, hegynek megyün...
Cancion del Mariachi [Hungarian translation]
Nagyon őszinte ember vagyok, ez tetszik a legjobban bennem. A nők nem hiányoznak, sem a pénz, sem a szerelem. Vágtatva a hegyre megyek, a csillagok me...
Cancion del Mariachi [Norwegian translation]
Jeg er en veldig ærlig mann, jeg liker det beste Jeg ikke mangler kvinner eller penger eller kjærlighet Til hest, til fjellet jeg går Stjernene og mån...
Cancion del Mariachi [Persian translation]
من مرد بسیار شایسته ای هستم که بهترین ها را دوست دارم من به زنان احتیاجی ندارم به پول و عشق نیز سوار بر اسب خود به سوی کوه ها می تازم ماه و ستارگان به...
Cancion del Mariachi [Russian translation]
Я живу по совести и люблю только лучшее Мне хватает женщин, денег, любви Гарцуя на лошади, я скачу по горам Звёзды и луна, они говорят мне, куда я иду...
Cancion del Mariachi [Russian translation]
Я стремлюсь всегда быть в рамках и без подлости в крови, Не нуждаюсь в женских ласках,так же в деньгах и любви... Конь гарцует подо мною,мысли вдаль м...
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