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Völkerball lyrics
Foltergeist [English translation]
I feel good when you fare badly I like to have you suffer to multiply my pleasure I'm poisoning arrows and then hit your heart Tormenting ghost1 that ...
Foltergeist [Portuguese translation]
Eu me sinto bem Quando você não está bem Eu gosto de te ver sofrer Para multiplicar meu prazer Eu enveneno as flechas E jogo elas no seu coração Espír...
Foltergeist [Russian translation]
Со мной всё хорошо Когда тебе живется плохо Я хочу тебя заставить страдать Чтобы приумножилось мое счастье Отравленные стелы Встретятся с твоим сердце...
Foltergeist [Spanish translation]
Estoy bien Cuando te va mal Dejarte a gusto sufrir Así que mi deseo se incrementa Flechas envenenadas Y acertar entonces tu corazón Espíritu de tortur...
Foltergeist [Ukrainian translation]
Я добре почуваюся Коли з тобою щось погане трапляється Залюбки дозволяю тобі страждати Щоб примножити моє бажання Я отруюю стріли А потім уражаю ними ...
Gammelfleisch lyrics
Eingehüllt in dünne Folie Bietest deinen Körper feil Dein Blick saugt an mir Ersehnst dein Heil So liegst du hier Jämmerlich ganz nackt vor mir Und fl...
Gammelfleisch [English translation]
Shrouded in thin plastics You expose your body for sale You glance is sucking at me You crave your hail Thus you're lying here pathetic, all naked bef...
Gammelfleisch [English translation]
Wrapped into thin foil You're selling your body You're sucking on me looking Desiring your blessing So you're lying here Miserably and completely nake...
Gammelfleisch [Portuguese translation]
Enrolada em plástico fino Você vende seu corpo Seu olhar me suga Você almeja ser adorada Por isso você está deitada aqui Patética, toda pelada na minh...
Gammelfleisch [Russian translation]
Завернутый в тонкий пластик Дает твое тело отшлифовать Твой взгляд высасывает меня Ты очень хочешь счастья Так ложись здесь Жалкое зрелище, полностью ...
Gammelfleisch [Spanish translation]
Envuelto en una hoja fina Para ofertas vendiendo su cuerpo Tus ojos me succionan Deseando tu salvación Así que estás aquí Lastimosamente tan desnuda d...
Gnadenlos lyrics
Du kennst deinen Vater nicht Du kennst deine Mutter nicht Weißt deinen Namen nicht Du kennst nur dein Gesicht Sag', was hat man dir getan? Was fängst ...
Gnadenlos [English translation]
You don't know your father You don't know your mother You don't know your name You only know your face Tell me, what did they do to you? Just what wil...
Gnadenlos [English translation]
You don't know your father You don't know your mother Not your name You just know your face Tell me, what has been done to you? What are you going to ...
Gnadenlos [Portuguese translation]
Você não conhece seu pai Você não conhece sua mãe Você não conhece seu nome Você só conhece seu rosto Me diga, o que eles fizeram contigo? O que você ...
Gnadenlos [Spanish translation]
Tú no conoces a tu padre Tú no conoces a tu madre No sabes ni sus nombres Tú conoces solo su rostro Dime, ¿qué han hecho? ¿Qué usted ahora empieza con...
Gnadenlos [Ukrainian translation]
Ти не знаеш свого батька Ти не знаеш своєї матері Не знаеш своє ім'я Ти знаеш тільки своє обличчя Скажи, що з тобою трапилося? Що ти тепер збираєшся р...
Heldmaschine lyrics
Stacheldrahtfresse, so nennt man dich Hast nicht den Mut und wehrst dich nicht Sie wollen Tränen sehen Heida! Heida! Stacheldrahtfresse, mit voller Wu...
Heldmaschine [English translation]
Barbwire-gob1, so you're called You don't have the guts and you don't fight back They want to see tears Heida! Heida! Barbwire-gob, at full tilt Blows...
Heldmaschine [English translation]
Snout of barbed wire, that's how they call you You've got no courage and don't hide yourself They want to see tears Hohey! Hohey! Snout of barbed wire...
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