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Völkerball lyrics
Alles was du brauchst lyrics
Informationsmaschinen Laufen immer rund Du wirst von mir getrieben Stampf meinen Text in deinen Mund Alles was du suchst Findest du bei mir Alles was ...
Alles was du brauchst [English translation]
Information machinery runs always smoothly You're driven by me I ram my text into your mouth Everything you're looking for You find with me Everything...
Alles was du brauchst [English translation]
Machines for information Always run okay You're hurried by me Stomp my text into your mouth All you're looking for You'll find in me All you need I'll...
Alles was du brauchst [Portuguese translation]
Máquina de informação Sempre funciona corretamente Você é movido por mim Eu enfio meu texto em sua boca Tudo que você está procurando Você encontra em...
Alles was du brauchst [Russian translation]
Информационные машины Бегут вокруг Ты торопишься из-за меня Уплотняю текст в твоем рте Все, что ты ищешь Ты найдешь у меня Все, что тебе нужно Я дам т...
Alles was du brauchst [Spanish translation]
Máquinas de información Siempre están funcionando Te has dirigido hacia mí Metiendo mi texto en tu boca Todo lo que buscas Lo encuentras junto a mí To...
Doktor lyrics
Unbemerkt als Randerscheinung Lebe gut von deiner Not Zapfe an die arme Seele Wunden sind mein täglich' Brot Doktor Ich treib' dir aus die Blasphemie ...
Doktor [English translation]
Unnoticed on the fringes I live well off your misery Tap into the poor soul Wounds are my daily bread Doctor I exorcize your blasphemy Doctor I am you...
Doktor [English translation]
Unnoticed as a marginal appearance I'm living well off your misery Taking from the poor soul Wounds are my daily bread Doctor I'm getting the balsphem...
Doktor [Finnish translation]
Huomaamaton reunailmiö Ansaitsen hyvin kurjuudellasi Koputus kurjaan sieluusi Haavat ovat päivittäinen leipäni Lääkäri Karkotan sinusta jumalanpilkan ...
Doktor [Portuguese translation]
Não visto como um marginal Eu vivo muito bem da sua miséria Toco na sua pobre alma Feridas são meu pão diário Doutor Eu exorciso sua blasfémia Doutor ...
Doktor [Russian translation]
Незаметный сразу Я живу хорошо от твоей нужны Я заливаю в души кровь Раны - мой ежедневный хлеб Доктор Я изгоняю тебя от кощунства Доктор Я твой докто...
Doktor [Spanish translation]
Sin saberlo como marginales Viven bien de su escasez Tomando de la pobre alma Las heridas son mi pan de cada día Doctor Yo te hecho de la blasfemia Do...
Erfroren und verbrannt lyrics
Erzähle aus dem Leben Was endete mit Tod War einst eine helle Flamme Die verging im Abendrot Am Tage schien sie heller Erleuchtete mein Herz Ich trank...
Erfroren und verbrannt [English translation]
Tell me about this life that ended with death was once a radiate flame that faded in the sunset glow At daytime it shined brighter enlightened my hear...
Erfroren und verbrannt [English translation]
Tell me from the life Which ended with death Has been a bright flame once Which died away in the sunset During the day she seemed to be/shone brighter...
Erfroren und verbrannt [Portuguese translation]
Me fale sobre essa vida Que terminou com a morte Que uma vez já foi uma chama radiante Que desapareceu no brilho do nascer do sol Ao dia brilhava inte...
Erfroren und verbrannt [Spanish translation]
Dile a la vida Lo que terminó con la muerte Erase una vez una llama brillante Falleció en la puesta del sol El día parecía más brillante Iluminó mi co...
Foltergeist lyrics
Es geht mir gut Wenn es dir schlecht ergeht Lass' dich gern leiden Damit sich meine Lust vermehrt Vergifte Pfeile Und treffe dann dein Herz Foltergeis...
Foltergeist [English translation]
I'm well, if you're not I like to make you suffer so that my lust increases I poison arrows to hit your heart Foltergeist who always travels with you ...
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