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Barry Manilow lyrics
Even now lyrics
Even Now When there's someone else who cares When there's someone home who's waiting just for me Even now I think about you as I'm climbing up the sta...
Even now [Greek translation]
Ακόμα και τώρα που υπάρχει κάποιος άλλος που νοιάζεται, που υπάρχει κάποιος στο σπίτι που περιμένει απλά και μόνο εμένα. Ακόμα και τώρα εγώ σκέφτομαι ...
Even now [Romanian translation]
Chiar acum Cînd este cineva căruia îi pasă Cînd este cineva acasă care așteaptă numai pe mine Chiar acum mă gîndesc la tine în timp ce urc scările Și ...
Fools Get Lucky lyrics
When I see you lying there Like a living answered prayer There are no words For what I feel for you My life was once a high trapeze You pulled me down...
Barry Manilow - Hasta Hoy [Even Now]
(Barry) Hasta hoy, aunque tengo a quien querer Cuando en casa hay alguien esperándome Hasta hoy te pienso siempre en todo mi quehacer Y me esfuerzo pa...
Hasta Hoy [Even Now] [English translation]
(Barry) Hasta hoy, aunque tengo a quien querer Cuando en casa hay alguien esperándome Hasta hoy te pienso siempre en todo mi quehacer Y me esfuerzo pa...
I Haven't Changed the Room lyrics
Here is the room that we shared The room that you cared for So I haven't changed the room How did the years slip away I could swear you're still there...
I Haven't Changed the Room [French translation]
Voici la chambre qu'on a partagé La chambre dont tu te occupais Alors je n'ai pas change la chambre Comme les années ont court si vite J'aurais juré q...
I Wanna Do It With You lyrics
Doesn't matter where I go Doesn't matter who I know Nowadays I always find You are always on my mind All I think about is love Love is all I'm dreamin...
I Write the Songs lyrics
I've been alive forever and I wrote the very first song. I put the words and the melodies together, I am music and I write the songs. I write the song...
I Write the Songs [German translation]
Ich habe schon immer gelebt Und habe das allererste Lied geschrieben. Ich habe die Texte und die Melodien zusammengefügt; Ich bin die Musik und ich sc...
I Write the Songs [Italian translation]
Sono sempre stato vivo E ho scritto la primissima canzone Ho collegato le parole con le melodie Sono la musica e io scrivo le canzoni. Scrivo le canzo...
I Write the Songs [Portuguese translation]
Vivo desde sempre e eu escrevi a primeira canção Uni as palavras e as melodias Sou a música e escrevo as canções.. Escrevo as canções que fazem o mund...
I Write the Songs [Romanian translation]
Traiesc de o vesnicie si l-am scris pe primul cintec. Cuvintele si melodiile le-am impreunat Sint muzica si cintecele scriu Scriu cintecele care face ...
If I Should Love Again lyrics
Oh my love You were the only one Now you're gone and I'm alone All my friends They say what's done is done I pretend But deep inside I know If I shoul...
If I Should Love Again [Romanian translation]
Oh, dragostea mea Tu ai fost singura Acum ai plecat şi eu sunt singur Toţi prietenii mei Îmi spun ce a fost a fost Eu mă prefac (că înţeleg) Dar în ad...
If I Should Love Again [Spanish translation]
¡Oh, mi amor, tú eras la única! Ahora te has ido, y solo estoy. Todos mis amigos me dicen 'lo que está hecho, hecho está', 1. yo finjo, pero por dentr...
In search of love lyrics
There is somebody In this world somebody She was but on earth for me Where can her love be? See, I'm no exception I need real affection What's life wo...
Barry Manilow - Islands in the Stream
Baby, when I met you, there was peace unknown I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb I was soft inside, there was something going on You do somet...
Barry Manilow - It Never Rains in Southern California
Got on board a westbound 747 Didn't think before deciding what to do All that talk of opportunities TV breaks and movies Rang true, sure rang true See...
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