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Bloodhound Gang lyrics
The Ballad Of Chasey Lain lyrics
Dear Chasey Lain, I wrote to explain, I`m your biggest fan. I just wanted to ask, Could I eat your ass? Write back as soon as you can. You`ve had a lo...
The Ballad Of Chasey Lain [German translation]
Liebe Chasey Lain Ich schrieb Dir um zu sagen ich bin dein größter Fan Ich wollte nur fragen Kann ich Deinen Hintern vernaschen Schreib so schnell du ...
The Ballad Of Chasey Lain [Italian translation]
Cara Chasey Lain, ti ho scritto per spiegarti, sono il tuo più grande fan. Volevo soltanto chiedere posso mangiarti il culo? Rispondimi appena puoi. H...
The Ballad Of Chasey Lain [Turkish translation]
Sevgili Chasey Lain, Açıklamak için yazdım, En büyük hayranınım. Sadece sormak istedim, Götünü yiyebilir miyim? Yapabileceğin kadar çabuk cevapla. Bir...
Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss lyrics
Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss, baby Dog will hunt, I'm the front end loader travoltin' over, so try my slam on for size Drive stick with that kung-fu gri...
Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss [Bulgarian translation]
Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss, маце. Това ще свърши работа, аз съм като багер, танцуващ наоколо, така че пробвай парчето ми дали ще ти пасне. Хващай скор...
Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss [French translation]
Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss, bébé Le chien va chasser, je suis le chargeur avant en train de comme Travolta, alors essaye mon slam pour la tai...
Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss [Italian translation]
Uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss, baby Funzionerà a pennello1,sono il montacarichi come Travolta, quindi prova il mio colpo per prendere le misure. Guida la...
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