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Travis lyrics
Love Will Come Through [Hungarian translation]
Ha megosztok egytitkot veled, egy léleknek se mondod el? Megőrzöd és életben tartod? Mert bennem már lyukat éget és nem tudok aludni És ebben a hazugs...
Love Will Come Through [Romanian translation]
Dacă-ţi spun un secret, nu vei spune nimănui, Îl vei păstra şi-l vei menţine în viaţă? Căci mă arde şi nu pot să dorm Şi nu pot să trăiesc singur în m...
Love Will Come Through [Spanish translation]
Si te cuento un secreto y no le cuentas a nadie, ¿lo guardarás y lo mantendrás vivo? Porque me está calando y no puedo dormir y no puedo vivir solo co...
Love Will Come Through [Spanish translation]
¿Si te cuento un secreto no se lo dirás a nadie? ¿Lo tomarás y lo mantendrás vivo? Porque está haciendo un agujero y no logro dormir y no puedo vivir ...
Love Will Come Through [Turkish translation]
Eğer sana bir sır söylersem Bir kişiye bile söylemeyeceksin Onu saklayıp canlı tutacak mısın? Çünkü o bir delik açıyor. Ve uyuyamıyorum, Ve bu yalanın...
Love Will Come Through [Turkish translation]
Eğer sana tek bir kişiye dahi anlatmayacağın bir sır söylersem Onu saklar ve canlı tutar mısın? Çünkü o bir delik açıyor ve ben uyuyamıyorum Ve ben bu...
Luv lyrics
What's so wrong? Why the face so long Is it over? And where you going that You no longer belong here? And distance tells you that Distance must come b...
Luv [Spanish translation]
¿Qué va tan mal? ¿Por qué esa cara larga? ¿Se terminó? ¿Y dónde vas, que nunca más irás aquí? Y la distancia te dice que la distancia debe dañar al am...
Luv [Turkish translation]
Sorun ne? Neden suratın asık Bitti mi? Ve nereye gideceksin Artık buraya ait olmadığına göre Ve mesafe sana der ki Mesafe aşkın arasına girmeli Nerede...
Magnificent Time lyrics
It was summer in the city and my heart stood still I looked at the past inside my rearview mirror There was nobody behind me and nothing up ahead The ...
Mother lyrics
Mother take that ride You got in my mind Tell'em what you found Write it down What you have is enough What you want with so much stuff What you need i...
Mother [Tongan translation]
Mother take that ride You got in my mind Tell'em what you found Write it down What you have is enough What you want with so much stuff What you need i...
Moving lyrics
Another day, I feel the weight of the atmosphere’s pressure And I can’t escape I try to run, I try to find my feet, My soul is sticking to the street ...
Moving [Turkish translation]
Another day, I feel the weight of the atmosphere’s pressure And I can’t escape I try to run, I try to find my feet, My soul is sticking to the street ...
My Eyes lyrics
Deep in my heart, there's no room for crying, but I'm trying to see your point of view Deep in my heart, I'm afraid I'm dying, I'd be lying if I said ...
My Eyes [Greek translation]
Βαθια μεσα στην καρδια μου,δεν υπαρχει χωρος για κλαμα, αλλα προσπαθω να δω απο την δικη σου οπτικη γωνια Βαθια στην καρδια μου,φοβαμαι πεθαινα Θα ελε...
My Eyes [Romanian translation]
Adânc în inima-mi, nu trebuie să plâng, Dar încerc să-nţeleg punctul tău de vedere, Adânc în inima-mi, mă tem că măsting, Aş minţi dac-aş spune că nu ...
My Eyes [Turkish translation]
Kalbimin derinliklerinde ağlamaya yer yok Ama senin bakış açından görmeye çalışıyorum Kalbimin derinliklerinde ölüyor olmaktan korkuyorum Korkmuyorum ...
New Shoes lyrics
From the baby in the womb to the burden in the room from the baby in the tomb To the man on the moon From the bottom of the hill to the top of the hil...
New Shoes [Portuguese translation]
From the baby in the womb to the burden in the room from the baby in the tomb To the man on the moon From the bottom of the hill to the top of the hil...
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