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Agustín Lara lyrics
Noche de ronda lyrics
Noche de ronda Qué triste pasas Qué triste cruzas Por mi balcón Noche de ronda Cómo me hieres Cómo lastimas Mi corazón Luna que se quiebra Sobre las t...
Noche de ronda [Czech translation]
Bezesná noc, Jak jsem řekl, že projdeš kolem, Jak jsem řekl, že projdeš kolem mého balkónu. Bezesná noc, Jak mi ubližuješ, jak si ranila mé srdce. Měs...
Noche de ronda [English translation]
Night of serenade you go away sadly you fade sadly By my balcony night of serenade how much it hurts you hurt my heart Moon that breaks away over the ...
Noche de ronda [English translation]
Night serenader How sadly you pass How sadly you cross By my balcony Night serenader How you hurt me How you wound My heart Moon which breaks On the d...
Noche de ronda [English translation]
Sleepless night, how sad you pass by, how sad you cross over my balcony. Sleepless night, how you hurt me, how you wound my heart. Moon that breaks th...
Noche de ronda [English translation]
Minstrel at nightfall, How dreary your footsteps, How sadly you pass 'neath My balustrade! Minstrel, your night rounds, How deeply they wound me, How ...
Noche de ronda [English translation]
Night of guard You pass by so sad You cross so sad By my balcony Night of guard How does it hurt me How do you hurt my heart. Moon that fissures (crac...
Noche de ronda [German translation]
Nächtliche Runde Wie traurig gehst Du vorüber, wie traurig passierst Du meinen Balkon Nächtliche Runde Wie weh Du mir tust, wie Du mein Herz verletzt ...
Noche de ronda [Italian translation]
Notte in giro che tristezza passa che tristezza attraversa il mio balcone notte in giro come mi ferisce come fai male al mio cuore. Luna che si rompe ...
Noche de ronda [Polish translation]
O bezsenna nocy, jak smutno mijasz, jak smutno krążysz wokół mego balkonu. O bezsenna nocy, jaki sprawiasz mi ból, jak ranisz moje serce. O księżycu, ...
Noche de ronda [Romanian translation]
Noapte de veghe Ce trista vii Ce trista treci Pe al meu balcon Noapte de veghe Cât ma raneste Cât îmi raneste inima.. Luna ce te spargi Peste ceatza s...
Noche de ronda [Turkish translation]
uykusuz gece ne hüzünlü geçiyorsun ne hüzünlü geçiyorsun balkonumun üzerinden uykusuz gece nasıl incitiyorsun nasıl yaralıyorsun yüreğimi yalnızlığımı...
Aventurera lyrics
Vende caro tu amor, aventurera Da el precio del dolor, a tu pasado Y aquel, que de tu boca, la miel quiera Que pague con brillantes tu pecado Que pagu...
Aventurera [English translation]
Sell your love for a high price, adventurer Give the price of pain to your past And that, that of your mouth, honey may want That you pay your sin wit...
Aventurera [Turkish translation]
Aşkını yüksek fiyata sat maceracı Acının bedelini kat geçmişine Ve o, ağzının balını isteyen kişi Elmaslarla ödesin günahının bedelini Elmaslarla ödes...
Palabras de mujer lyrics
Palabras de mujer que yo escuché cerca de ti, junto de ti, muy quedo, tan quedo como nunca. Las quiero repetir para que tú igual que ayer las digas so...
Palabras de mujer [English translation]
Woman's words that I heard close to you, next to you, very softly, as softly as it could be. I want to repeat them so that you can, like yesterday, sa...
Palabras de mujer [Turkish translation]
Kadın sözleri senin yanında dinlediğim, senin yanında, çok yumuşak, hiç olmayacak kadar yumuşak. Onları tekrar etmek istiyorum iç çekerek söyleyebiles...
Rival lyrics
Rival de mi cariño, el viento que te besa, rival de mi tristeza, mi propia soledad. No quiero que te vayas, me duele que te alejes, no quiero que me d...
Rival [English translation]
Rival of my affection, the wind that kisses you; rival of my sadness, my own solitude. I don't want you to leave, it hurts to see you go; I don't want...
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