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Agustín Lara also performed lyrics
Alejandro Fernández - Piensa en mí
Si tienes un hondo pesar Piensa en mí Si tienes ganas de llorar Piensa en mí Ya ves que venero Tu imagen divina Tu párvula boca Que siendo tan niña Me...
Piensa en mí [Croatian translation]
Ako imaš duboku tugu, misli na mene. Ako želiš plakati, misli na mene. Vidiš klanjam se tvojoj božanskoj slici, tvojim nevinim usnama koja su tako mla...
Piensa en mí [Croatian translation]
Ako si duboko tužan, misli na mene. Ako imaš potrebu da plačeš, misli na mene. Sada možeš vidjeti da obožavam tvoju božansku sliku. Vaša nevina usta k...
Piensa en mí [Czech translation]
Když máš hluboký zármutek, Tak na mě mysli Když máš pocit, že budeš plakat, tak Na mě mysli Už vidíš, že ctím tvou božskou podobu Tvá maličká ústa, Co...
Piensa en mí [English translation]
If you have a deep sorrow Think about me If you want to cry Think about me You see that i worship Your divine image Your infant mouth That being so sm...
Piensa en mí [English translation]
If you have a deep sorrow Think of me If you feel like crying Think of me You already see that I worship your divine image Your tiny mouth That being ...
Piensa en mí [English translation]
If you have a deep weight Think of me If you have to cry Think of me; As you can see your divine image spring Your innocent mouth Such a girl You taug...
Piensa en mí [Greek translation]
Αν έχεις πόνο βαθύ, σκέψου εμένα... Αν θέλεις να κλάψεις, σκέψου εμένα... Μη βλέπεις που λατρεύω, τη θεϊκή σου μορφή... το παιδικό σου στόμα, το τόσο ...
Piensa en mí [Persian translation]
اگر غمی جانکاه داری به من فکر کن اگر می خواهی بگریی به من فکر کن می بینی که پرستش می کنم تصویر الهی تو را و غنچه ی لبان تو را کهاینچنین کوچک می نماید ...
Piensa en mí [Turkish translation]
eğer derin bir acın varsa beni düşün eğer ağlamak istiyorsan beni düşün görüyorsun ki senin hayaline tapıyorum öylesine çocuksu olan masum ağzın bana ...
You Belong to My Heart [Now and Forever]
You belong to my heart Now and forever And our love had its start Not long ago We were gathering stars while a million guitars played our love song Wh...
You Belong to My Heart [Now and Forever] [German translation]
Du gehörst zu meinem Herzen Jetzt und für immer, Und unsere Liebe nahm ihren Anfang, Es ist noch nicht lange her. Wir haben Sterne gesammelt, Während ...
Aquel amor lyrics
Aquel amor, que destrozó mi vida, aquel amor que fue mi perdición. ¿Dónde andará la prenda más querida? ¿Dónde andará aquel, aquel amor? Quiera la Vir...
Aquel amor [English translation]
That love, which destroyed my life, that love, which was my downfall. Where will my most beloved dear go? Where will that, that love go? I would like ...
Aquel amor [English translation]
That love which destroyed my life, that love which was my ruin. Where will go the garment more beloved, Where will go that, that love. the Virgin want...
Aquel amor [Polish translation]
Ta miłość, która zniszczyła me życie, ta miłość, która była mą zgubą. Gdzie podzieje się mój najukochańszy skarb? Gdzie podzieje się ta moja miłość? C...
Aquel amor [Turkish translation]
O ask hayatimi mahvetti O ask benim sonum oldu nereye gidecek en sevilen mucevher nereye gidecek O, o ask Bakire Meryem ister ki opucuklerimin anisi k...
Cada noche un amor lyrics
Cada noche un amor, distinto amanecer, diferente vision. Cada noche un amor, pero dentro de mí, sólo tu amor quedó. Oye, te digo en secreto que te amo...
Cada noche un amor [English translation]
Cada noche un amor, distinto amanecer, diferente vision. Cada noche un amor, pero dentro de mí, sólo tu amor quedó. Oye, te digo en secreto que te amo...
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