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Gaither Vocal Band lyrics
Keep believing [Romanian translation]
Cand incercari deodata multe vin Si zi de zi din viata pare-un chin Cand visezi din nou, planuri cand iti faci Insa toate se destrama Tainice glasuri ...
Knowing You'll Be There lyrics
The other day I passed the place You always liked to go And I picked up the phone because I thought you'd want to know But I forgot you weren't there ...
Sometimes it Takes a Mountain lyrics
I faced a mountain, That I never faced before That's why I'm calling on the Lord I know it's been awhile, But Lord please hear my prayer I need you li...
Sometimes it Takes a Mountain [Romanian translation]
Azi inainte am un munte prea inalt Spre Tine Doamne ruga ‘nalt De mult nu Te-am cautat Insa, azi, Te rog raspunde-mi Tu din cerul Tau inalt Mi-ai pus ...
The king is coming lyrics
Praise God, He's coming for me The marketplace is empty No more traffic in the street All the builder's tools are silent No more time to harvest wheat...
The king is coming [French translation]
Dieu soit loué, il vient pout moi La place du marché est vide Pas de circulation dans la rue Les appareils de construction sont silencieux Plus le tem...
The king is coming [German translation]
Lobt Gott, er kommt für mich Der Marktplatz ist leer Kein Verkehr mehr auf der Straße All die Werkzeuge der Bauarbeiter sind still Keine Zeit mehr um ...
The king is coming [Russian translation]
Слава Богу, Он придет для меня. Рыночная площадь пуста, Нет больше на улицах движения, Все машины строителей молчат, Прекращена жатва хлебов, Заботлив...
The king is coming [Spanish translation]
Alaben a Dios, Él viene por mí El mercado está vacio No hay más tráfico en las calles Las herramientas de los constructores guardan silencio Ya no hay...
Then Came the Morning lyrics
They all walked away, with nothing to say, They'd just lost their dearest friend. All that He said, now He was dead, So this was the way it would end....
Then Came the Morning [Croatian translation]
They all walked away, with nothing to say, They'd just lost their dearest friend. All that He said, now He was dead, So this was the way it would end....
Then Came the Morning [French translation]
They all walked away, with nothing to say, They'd just lost their dearest friend. All that He said, now He was dead, So this was the way it would end....
Then Came the Morning [Spanish translation]
They all walked away, with nothing to say, They'd just lost their dearest friend. All that He said, now He was dead, So this was the way it would end....
This is The Place lyrics
Come, my child, there is a place When you’re lost, you will be found You’ll be safe, and you’ll belong You will hear the sweetest sound Chorus This is...
This is The Place [Romanian translation]
Copilul meu vino si tu Ratacit nu vei mai fi Odihna aici vei gasi Glas ceresc vei auzi In acest loc ne rugam Lacrimi aici noi varsam Aici am fost dedi...
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