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Amaranthe lyrics
Boom! lyrics
[Intro] Everything starts with a boom! Boom! [Verse 1] Hold up! Let me put my shades on Lit up a fuse for your remedy Tried to fix my deep insanity Li...
Boom!1 lyrics
Everything starts with a boom! Boom! Hold up! Let me put my shades on Lit up a fuse for your remedy Tried to fix my deep insanity Like the big, big ba...
Boomerang lyrics
You can always bring me down but I come around Like a boomerang, like a boomerang 'round Like a boomerang, like a boomerang 'round Like a boomerang, l...
Breakthrough Starshot lyrics
It's my obsession My obligation Bringing us closer to our deprivation You are the spirit Like Lady Godiva Fire a rocket like a Breakthrough Starshot I...
Burn With Me lyrics
You are gone to the highest bidder Now you're with a man that is gods worst sinner Well no, don't care about me I was just the man who meant to set yo...
Burn With Me [Czech translation]
Odešla jsi za tím, který nabídl nejvíce. Teď jsi s mužem, jenž je největším hříšníkem. Nevadí, nestarej se o mě. Byl jsem jen ten, kdo se tě snažil os...
Burn With Me [French translation]
Tu es partie avec le plus offrant, maintenant Tu es avec un homme qui est le pire pécheur de Dieu Et bien, non, ne te soucie pas de moi Je n'étais que...
Burn With Me [Hungarian translation]
Elmentél a legnagyobbat licitálóhoz Most egy férfival vagy aki az istenek fölébe kerekedő bűnös Hát jó, nem érdekellek Csak egy ember voltam aki szaba...
Burn With Me [Italian translation]
Sei andata al miglior offerente Ora sei con un uomo che è il peggior nemico degli dei Bene, no, non pensare a me Ero solamente l’uomo che ti avrebbe r...
Burn With Me [Turkish translation]
Şimdi sen en yüksek teklif verene götürülüyorsun Şimdi sen Tanrı'nın en kötü günahkarı olan adamla berabersin Hayır, beni umursama1 Ben sadece bir ada...
Call out my name lyrics
Our time has come Rise and see what you have become Old lessons learned Determined to reap what they've earned No, I'm not the same Seen my own shadow...
Call out my name [Greek translation]
Έφτασε η ώρα μας Αυξήστε και δείτε τι έχετε γίνει Παλιά διδάγματα Αποφασισμένοι να αποκομίσουν όσα κέρδισαν Λοιπόν, δεν είμαι το ίδιο Έβλεψε τη δική μ...
Call out my name [Italian translation]
Il nostro tempo è arrivato Alzati e guarda cosa sei diventato Le vecchie lezioni sono imparate Determinato a raccogliere ciò che loro hanno guadagnato...
Countdown lyrics
You got the notion, a motion Conclusion that will set us free It takes us closer and closer The human that we wanna be Imperfection was a strife We co...
Crystalline lyrics
[Verse 1] My precious faith got lost and found Still thinking of you It is engraved in fallen vines Still linger with you [Pre-Chorus 1] I didn't brea...
Crystalline [Greek translation]
[Στροφή 1η] Η πολύτιμή μου πίστη εχάθη και ευρέθη Σε σκέφτομαι ακόμα Είναι χαραγμένη στης αμπέλου τους πεσμένους μίσχους Πλανάται μαζί σου ακόμα [Προ-...
Die and Wake Up lyrics
[Verse 1] Hey now, let go of your morality (Insanity) 'Cause you don't see what I see If you said so, you think that I would follow you Swallow your w...
Digital World lyrics
We spin the world like a pinball machine We have thoughts of a life in abundance Day and night we wish movies were real And what is behind the screen ...
Digital World [Hungarian translation]
Forgatjuk a világot akár egy flippert Vannak elméleteink a világ jólétéről Éjjel nappal azt kívánjuk hogy a filmek valósak legyenek És a mi a képernyő...
Digital World [Italian translation]
Facciamo ruotare il mondo come fosse un flipper Abbiamo pensieri di una vita nell'abbondanza Giorno e notte vorremmo che i film fossero reali E ciò ch...
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