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Bon Jovi lyrics
Bells Of Freedom [Hungarian translation]
I have walked all alone On these streets, I call home Streets of hope, streets of fear Through the sidewalk cracks Time disapears I was lost, on my kn...
Bells Of Freedom [Italian translation]
I have walked all alone On these streets, I call home Streets of hope, streets of fear Through the sidewalk cracks Time disapears I was lost, on my kn...
Bells Of Freedom [Russian translation]
I have walked all alone On these streets, I call home Streets of hope, streets of fear Through the sidewalk cracks Time disapears I was lost, on my kn...
Bells Of Freedom [Serbian translation]
I have walked all alone On these streets, I call home Streets of hope, streets of fear Through the sidewalk cracks Time disapears I was lost, on my kn...
Bells Of Freedom [Turkish translation]
I have walked all alone On these streets, I call home Streets of hope, streets of fear Through the sidewalk cracks Time disapears I was lost, on my kn...
Bitter Wine lyrics
We met some time ago, when we were almost young It never crossed my mind to ask, where did you come from? I didn't have much money, so I stole you a r...
Bitter Wine [Greek translation]
We met some time ago, when we were almost young It never crossed my mind to ask, where did you come from? I didn't have much money, so I stole you a r...
Bitter Wine [Italian translation]
We met some time ago, when we were almost young It never crossed my mind to ask, where did you come from? I didn't have much money, so I stole you a r...
Blame It on the Love of Rock 'n' Roll lyrics
First time I heard the music I thought it was my own I could feel it in my heartbeat I could feel it in my bones My momma thinks I’m crazy My dad says...
Blame It on the Love of Rock 'n' Roll [Czech translation]
Když jsem poprvé slyšel hudbu, myslím, že byla moje, mohl jsem ji cítit ve svém srdečním tlukotu, mohl jsem ji cítit ve svých kostech. Moje máma si my...
Blame It on the Love of Rock 'n' Roll [French translation]
La première fois où j'ai entendu la musique, J'ai cru qu'elle était à moi Je pouvais la sentir dans le battement de mon coeur Je pouvais la sentir dan...
Blame It on the Love of Rock 'n' Roll [German translation]
Das erste Mal als ich die Musik gehört habe, Dachte ich, sie wäre ein Teil von mir (1) Ich konnte sie in meinem Herzschlag fühlen Ich konnte sie in me...
Blame It on the Love of Rock 'n' Roll [Greek translation]
Πρώτη φορά που άκουσα τη μουσική Νόμιζα ότι ήταν ένα κομμάτι του εαυτού μου Μπορούσα να το νιώσω στον χτύπο της καρδιάς μου Μπορούσα να το νιώσω στα κ...
Blaze of Glory lyrics
I wake up in the morning And I raise my weary head I've got an old coat for a pillow And the earth was last night's bed I don't know where I'm going O...
Blaze of Glory [Arabic translation]
أستيقظ في الصباح و ارفع رأسي المنهك لدي معطفا قديما كوسادة و الأرض كانت سريرالبارحة لا أدري أين سأذهب الرب وحده يعلم أين كنت أنا شيطان هارب ( ألة حب (...
Blaze of Glory [Bulgarian translation]
Събуждам се сутринта И изправям уморена глава. Старо палто е възглавницата ми, А земята бе снощното ми легло. Не знам за къде съм тръгнал, Само Бог зн...
Blaze of Glory [French translation]
Je me réveille le matin Et relève ma tête épuisée Mon oreiller est un vieux manteau Et le sol fût le lit de la nuit dernière Je ne sais pas où je vais...
Blaze of Glory [Greek translation]
Ξύπνησα το πρωί και σήκωσα το κουρασμένο μου κεφάλι, είχα ένα παλιό παλτό για μαξιλάρι και το έδαφος ήταν το νυχτερινό κρεβάτι μου. Δεν ξέρω που πηγαί...
Blaze of Glory [Italian translation]
Mi sveglio al mattino Ed alzo la mia testa stanca Ho un vecchio cappotto per cuscino E la terra è stata il mio letto la scorsa notte Non so dove sto a...
Blaze of Glory [Romanian translation]
M-am trezit dimineaţa Şi mi-am ridicat capul obosit, Am o haină veche în loc de pernă Şi pământul a fost patul meu de aseară, Nu ştiu unde merg, Numai...
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