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Muse lyrics
Citizen Erased [Turkish translation]
Alıştır beni, bize hile yapmayı öğret Paylaşılınmaması gerekenin Üzerini örtmeyi, yalan söylemeyi Ve işte gerçek ortaya çıkıyor Kazınarak sıyrılıyor k...
City of Delusion lyrics
Stay away from me Build a fortress And shield your beliefs Touch the divine As we fall in line Can I believe When I don't trust All your theories Turn...
City of Delusion [Dutch translation]
Blijf uit mijn buurt Bouw een fort en scherm je overtuigingen af Raak het goddelijke aan terwijl we een rij vormen Kan ik geloven wanneer ik geen vert...
City of Delusion [French translation]
Reste loin de moi Construit une forteresse Et défend tes croyances Touche le divin Alors que nous nous mettons en rang Puis-je croire Quand je ne fais...
City of Delusion [German translation]
Bleib weg von mir, Bau eine Festung auf Und schütze deine Glauben Berühre das Göttliche, Wenn wir uns anpassen Kann ich daran glauben, Wenn ich nicht ...
City of Delusion [Greek translation]
Μείνε μακριά μου Χτίσε ένα φρούριο Και κρύψε τα πιστεύω σου Άγγιξε τα θεία Όπως πέφτουμε στη γραμμή Μπορώ να πιστέψω Όταν δεν εμπιστευομαι Όλες σου οι...
City of Delusion [Italian translation]
Stammi lontano Costruisci una fortezza E proteggi le tue convinzioni Tocca il divino Mentre obbediremo Posso credere Quando non mi fido? Tutte le tue ...
City of Delusion [Romanian translation]
Stai la distanță de mine Construiește o fortăreață Și protejeazăți crezurile Atinge divinul În timp ce ne aliniem Pot să cred Când nu pot să mă încred...
City of Delusion [Serbian translation]
Drži se podalje od mene Sagradi tvrđavu I zaštiti svoja verovanja Dodirni božanstvo Dok padamo u redu Mogu li da verujem Kada nemam poverenja Sve tvoj...
City of Delusion [Spanish translation]
Mantente alejada de mí Construye una fortaleza Y protege tus creencias Toca la divinidad Y nos apegamos a las reglas ¿Puedo creer en algo Cuando no co...
City of Delusion [Turkish translation]
Benden uzak dur Bir kale inşa et kendine Ve siper et inançlarını Dokun kutsal olana Biz hizaya gelirken İnanabilir miyim? Güvenemediğimde Tüm teoriler...
Coma lyrics
Confide in me Sustain all my apathy You're such a mess You can learn not to confess You will not find it in me Simply because I can't Wake up and find...
Coma [French translation]
Fie-toi à moi Soutient toute mon indifférence Tu es une pagaille Tu peux apprendre à ne pas confesser Tu ne le trouveras pas en moi Tout simplement pa...
Coma [Greek translation]
Εμπισεύσου με Κράτα όλη μου την απάθεια Είσαι ένα μεγάλο χάλι Μπορείς να μάθεις να μην ομολογείς Δεν θα το βρεις σε μένα Απλά επειδή δε μπορώ Ξύπνα κα...
Coma [Spanish translation]
Confías en mí Soportas toda mi apatía Eres un desastre Podrías aprender a no confesar No lo encontrarás en mí Porque simplemente yo tampoco puedo Desp...
Coma [Turkish translation]
Güven bana Tüm ilgisizliğimi devam ettir Sen tam bir pisliksin İtiraf etmemeyi öğrenebilirsin Onu benim içimde bulmayacaksın (Nedeni) basit, çünkü ben...
Con-science lyrics
I can't pretend Choose how it ends You slipped away Questions here to stay In fear In sorrow In fear In sorrow I can't pretend Consumed by an ends Try...
Con-science [French translation]
Je ne peux pas faire semblant Choisis comment cela se termine Tu es partie Les questions sont là pour rester Dans la peur Dans la tristesse Dans la pe...
Con-science [Spanish translation]
No puedo fingir Elige como terminará esto Te desvaneciste Y las preguntas permanecen aquí Con miedo Con pesar Con miedo Con pesar No puedo fingir Soy ...
Crying Shame lyrics
Too late Yeah baby it's too late And time has made the spell abate And now it's time to desecrate But we had a dream And it was meant to be And we wer...
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