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Muse lyrics
Soldier's Poem [Russian translation]
Отрешиться от всего Затеряться Да, потому что нам некого больше винить И так обидно, что все мы умираем Думаете, вы заслуживаете вашу свободу? Зачем п...
Soldier's Poem [Spanish translation]
Deshazte de todo Perdámonos a nosotros mismos Porque no queda nadie a quien podamos culpar Es una pena, todos estamos muriendo Y ¿Piensas que mereces ...
Soldier's Poem [Turkish translation]
Her şeyi bir kenara at, Hakimiyetimizi kaybedelim* Çünkü suçlayabileceğimiz kimse kalmadı, Bu durum utanç verici, hepimiz ölüyoruz, Ve sen özgürlüğü h...
Some things cost more than you realise lyrics
The wavelenght gently grows Coercive notions reevolve A universe is trapped inside a tear It resonates the core Creates unnatural laws Replaces love a...
Something Human lyrics
My circuits have blown I know it's self-imposed And all I have shared And all I have loved Is all I’ll ever own But something has changed I feel so al...
Something Human [French translation]
Mes circuits* ont grillé Je sais que c'est volontaire Et tout ce que j'ai partagé Et tout ce que j'ai aimé C'est tout ce qu'il me reste Mais quelque c...
Something Human [German translation]
Meine Schaltkreise sind hochgegangen Ich weiß, es ist selbstverschuldet Und alles, das ich geteilt habe Und alles, das ich geliebt habe Ist alles, was...
Something Human [Greek translation]
Τα κυκλώματά μου έχουν καεί Ξέρω ότι είναι αυτοεπιβαλλόμενο Και όλα όσα έχω μοιραστεί Και όλα όσα έχω αγαπήσει Είναι το μόνο που ποτέ θα μου ανοίκει Α...
Something Human [Italian translation]
I miei circuiti sono esplosi So che me lo sono autoimposto E tutto ciò che ho condiviso E tutto ciò che ho amato È tutto ciò che potrò mai avere Ma qu...
Something Human [Spanish translation]
Mis circuitos han explotado Sé que es autoimpuesto Y todo lo que he compartido Y todo lo que he amado Es todo que alguna vez poseeré Pero algo se ha c...
Something Human [Turkish translation]
Devrelerim yandı Gönüllü olduğunu biliyorum Ve bütün paylaştığım Ve bütün sevdiğim Sahip olacaklarımın hepsidir Ama bir şey değişti Çok diri hissediyo...
Something Human [Vietnamese translation]
Mạch dẫn điện của tôi đã nổ tung Tôi biết cái này là tự do mình quyết thôi Tất cả những gì tôi từng sẻ chia Và tất cả những gì tôi từng yêu lấy Là tất...
Space Dementia lyrics
H8 - is the one for me it gives me all I need and helps me co-exist with the chill You make me sick Because I adore you so I love all the dirty tricks...
Space Dementia [French translation]
La haine est celle qu'il me faut Elle me donne tout ce dont j'ai besoin Et m'aide à coexister Avec le frisson Tu me dégoûte Mais je t'adore tellement ...
Space Dementia [Greek translation]
Ο H8* - είναι ο μόνος για μένα μου δίνει ό,τι χρειάζομαι και με βοηθά να συνυπάρχω με την παγωνιά Μ’ αρρωσταίνεις επειδή σε λατρεύω τόσο Αγαπώ όλα τα ...
Space Dementia [Italian translation]
H8 è l'unico per me \ Mi dà tutto ciò di cui ho bisogno \ E mi aiuta a coesistere \ Col freddo \ Mi fai ammalare \ Perché ti adoro così \ Amo tutti i ...
Space Dementia [Russian translation]
Мне ничего не нужно, кроме высоты, Она дает мне все, Помогает мне мириться С чувствами, гнетущими меня. Я настолько обожаю тебя, Что это подобно болез...
Space Dementia [Spanish translation]
H8* es la adecuada para mí, me da todo lo que necesito me ayuda a coexistir con el frío. Me das asco porque te adoro tanto. Me encantan todos tus truc...
Space Dementia [Turkish translation]
H8* benim için tek Bana ihtiyacım olan her şeyi veriyor Ve bir arada yaşamama yardım ediyor Rahatlıkla Beni rahatsız ediyorsun Çünkü seni delicesine s...
Spiral Static lyrics
Who's ever known How much to moan and groan And quiver inside He needs to give you Everything you need Is it enough? You're running out of time As it ...
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