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Muse lyrics
Soaked [Greek translation]
Soaked to the bone And sink like a stone Walk home alone It’s not the first time It’s not the worst crime Your soul will be OK When you’ve had enough ...
Soaked [Italian translation]
Soaked to the bone And sink like a stone Walk home alone It’s not the first time It’s not the worst crime Your soul will be OK When you’ve had enough ...
Soaked [Portuguese translation]
Soaked to the bone And sink like a stone Walk home alone It’s not the first time It’s not the worst crime Your soul will be OK When you’ve had enough ...
Soaked [Spanish translation]
Soaked to the bone And sink like a stone Walk home alone It’s not the first time It’s not the worst crime Your soul will be OK When you’ve had enough ...
Sober lyrics
Royal Canadian blended The spicy aroma had mended me Matured for years and imported Into my glass you poured it And you're the only reason That I rema...
Sober [French translation]
Royal Canadian mêlé L'arôme épicé m'a réparé Mûr après des ans et importé Et dans mon verre tu l'as versé Et tu es pourquoi j'étais Ici et pas gelé C'...
Sober [Hungarian translation]
Royal Canadian keverve Az a fűszeres aroma helyrehozott, Ami éveken át ért és utazott Hogy a poharamba te öntsd bele És csak miattad van hogy Belül me...
Sober [Italian translation]
Royal Canadian* miscelato, l'aroma speziato mi ha guarito, maturato per anni ed importato, tu l'hai versato nel mio bicchiere E tu sei l'unica ragione...
Sober [Spanish translation]
Royal Canadian (1) mezclado El aroma especiado me ha sanado Madurado por años e importado En mi vaso lo has echado Y eres la única razón Por la que me...
Soldier's Poem lyrics
Throw it all away Let's lose our selves 'cause there's no one left for us to blame It's a shame, we're all dying And do you think you deserve your fre...
Soldier's Poem [Azerbaijani translation]
Hər şeyi bir qırağa at Özümü itirək Çünki bizi günahladıracaq heç kim qalmayıb Bir utanc, amma hamımız ölürük Vəazadlığına layiq olduğunu düşünürsənmi...
Soldier's Poem [Belarusian translation]
Admaŭlajsia ad usiaho Zhubisia niedzie J niama vinavacić kaho Soram, što nam hinuć marna Ci zasłuhoŭvajecie vy hetu svabodu? Navošta kidać nas daloka ...
Soldier's Poem [Dutch translation]
Gooi alles maar weg Laat ons onszelf verliezen want er blijft niemand over die wij de schuld kunnen geven Het is een schande, wij allen sterven En den...
Soldier's Poem [Finnish translation]
Heitä se koko matkan Kadotetaan itsemme koska ei ole jäljellä ketään jota syyttää Harmi että me kaikki kuolemme Ja luuletko että ansaitset vapautesi? ...
Soldier's Poem [French translation]
Abandonnons tout, perdons-nous Parce qu’on a plus personne sur qui rejeter la faute C’est dommage qu’on soit mourants Et pensez-vous mériter votre lib...
Soldier's Poem [French translation]
Jettez tout cela loin Allons nous perdre Car il n'y a plus personne pour être blâmé C'est dommage, nous sommes tous en train de mourir Et pensez vous ...
Soldier's Poem [Greek translation]
Πέταξέ τα όλα Ας χάσουμε τους εαυτούς μας Γιατί δεν έχει μεινει κανένας για να κατηγορήσουμε εμείς Είναι κρίμα, όλοι πεθαίνουμε Και νομίζεις ότι σου α...
Soldier's Poem [Italian translation]
Gettiamo tutto via, perdiamo noi stessi perché non c'è rimasto nessuno da incolpare. È una vergogna, stiamo morendo tutti e pensate di meritare la vos...
Soldier's Poem [Portuguese translation]
Jogue tudo pelos ares Vamos nos acalmar Pois não sobrou mais ninguém para culparmos É uma pena, todos estamos morrendo E você acha que merece sua libe...
Soldier's Poem [Romanian translation]
Renunţă la tot, Hai să ne pierdem pe noi înşine Căci nu mai există nimeni pe care să învinuim, E păcat, cu toţii murim Şi crezi că îţi meriţi libertat...
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