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Muse lyrics
Resistance [Spanish translation]
¿Está tú secreto a salvo esta noche? ¿Estamos fuera de vista? ¿O acaso nuestro mundo se vendrá abajo? ¿Encontrarán nuestro escondite? ¿Es este nuestro...
Resistance [Turkish translation]
Sırrın güvende mi bu gece? Görüş alanının dışına çıktık mı? Ya da devrilecek mi dünyamız? Gizli yerimizi bulacaklar mı? Bu son kucaklaşmamız mı? Yoksa...
Resistance [Vietnamese translation]
Liệu bí mật em giữ có còn an toàn trong màn đêm này? Và liệu chúng ta có ra khỏi tầm ngắm của họ chưa? Hay thế giới của đôi ta rồi đây sẽ sụp đổ? Họ s...
Revolt lyrics
How did we get in so much trouble? Getting out just seems impossible Oppression is persisting I can’t fight this brain conditioning Our freedom’s just...
Revolt [French translation]
Une situation incomprehensible Échapper, ça semble impossible L'oppression est persistent On subit la conditionnement La liberté s'éclipse Grâce aux d...
Revolt [German translation]
Wie sind wir bloß in diesen Schlamassel geraten? Es scheint unmöglich es da wieder hinaus zu schaffen. Die Unterdrückung hält weiter an. Diesen Anford...
Revolt [Greek translation]
Πως μπήκαμε σε τόσο μεγάλο μπελά; Το να βγούμε από αυτόν φαντάζει απίθανο Η καταπίεση επιμένει Δεν μπορώ να καταπολεμήσω αυτόν τον κλιματισμό του εγκε...
Revolt [Italian translation]
Come ci siamo messi in un guaio del genere? Uscirne sembra quasi impossibile, l'oppressione sta persistendo, non riesco a combattere questo condiziona...
Revolt [Spanish translation]
Cómo nos metimos en tantos problemas? Salir de ellos simplemente se ve imposible La opresión es persistente No puedo pelear con esta condición mental ...
Revolt [Turkish translation]
Nasıl bu kadar fazla bir belaya bulaştık? Kurtulmak biraz zor görünüyor. Baskı devam ediyor. Bu beyin kurcalamasıyla savaşamam. Özgürlüğümüz drone ve ...
Ruled By Secrecy lyrics
Repress and restrain Steal the pressure and the pain Wash the blood off your hands This time she won't understand Change in the air They'll hide every...
Ruled By Secrecy [French translation]
Réprimez et maîtrisez Volez la pression et la peine Enlevez le sang de vos mains Cette fois, elle ne comprendra pas Le changement dans l'air Ils se ca...
Ruled By Secrecy [German translation]
Unterdrück und halt zurück Stiehl den Druck und den Schmerz Wasche das Blut von deinen Händen ab Diesmal wird sie nicht verstehen Änderung in der Atmo...
Ruled By Secrecy [Italian translation]
Represso e trattenuto, ancora sotto pressione e con il dolore, lava via il sangue dalle tue mani, questa volta lei non capirà Cambiamento nell'aria, l...
Ruled By Secrecy [Portuguese translation]
Reprima e suprima Extravase a pressão e a dor Lave o sangue de tuas mãos Desta vez ela não entenderá O tempo está mudando Eles esconderão tudo Ninguám...
Ruled By Secrecy [Spanish translation]
Reprime y domina Roba la presión y el dolor Lava la sangre de tus manos El tiempo no lo va a entender. El viento cambia, Ellos se escondéran por doqui...
Ruled By Secrecy [Tongan translation]
Lolomi mo pukepuke Kaiha'asi 'a e malohi lomi moe mamahi Fufulu 'a e toto mei ho nima E 'ikai 'ilo ia 'i he taimi ko eni Fetongi 'i he 'ataa Te nau fu...
Save Me lyrics
Save me from my superstitions Now I'm free, from this old condition Wait just a while, and I'll get greet you with a smile Hold me 'cause I'm sure I'm...
Save Me [Finnish translation]
Pelasta minut taikauskoiltani Nyt olen vapaa, tästä vanhasta olosuhteestani Odota vain hetki ja saan tervehtiä sinua hymyillen Pitele minua koska olen...
Save Me [French translation]
Sauve-moi de mes superstitions Maintenant je suis libre, de cette vieille condition Attends un peu, et je te saluerai Avec un sourire Prends-moi dans ...
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