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Muse lyrics
Psycho [Bosnian translation]
[Uvod: narednik (vojnik)] Ako ne uradiš što ti je rečeno kad ti bude rečeno, bit će kažnjen. Razumiješ li? (Da, gospodine) Ako napustiš bazu bez odgov...
Psycho [Czech translation]
[Úvod - Vojenský instruktor:] Pokud neuděláš, co ti bylo řečeno, když tak nařídím, budeš potrestán. Rozuměls? (Ano, pane) Pokud opustíš základnu bez ř...
Psycho [Esperanto translation]
Enkonduko: Birilo Serĝento (Soldato)] Se vi ne faras tion, kion oni diris al vi, kiam oni diri al vi fari ĝin, vi estos punita. Ĉu vi komprenas? (Jes,...
Psycho [French translation]
Introduction: Sergent Instructeur (Soldat) Si tu fais pas ce que je te dis, quand je te dis, tu seras puni, tu comprends? (À vos ordres!) Si tu sors d...
Psycho [German translation]
[Intro: Feldwebel (Soldaat)] Wenn du nicht tust, was dir gesagt wird, wenn es dir gesagt wird, dann wirst du bestraft. Verstehst du das? (Jawohl) Wenn...
Psycho [Greek translation]
[Εισαγωγή: Υπαξιωματικός ασκήσεων στρατού (Στρατιώτης)] Αν δεν κάνεις αυτό που σου είπα να κάνεις όταν σου είπα να το κάνεις, θα τιμωρηθείς. Το καταλα...
Psycho [Italian translation]
Se non fai quel che ti viene detto di fare quando ti viene detto di farlo, verrai punito, Hai capito? ( Sì signore! ) Se lascerai la mia base senza un...
Psycho [Italian translation]
Intro: Sergente istruttore (Soldato) Se non fai quello che ti è stato detto di fare quando ti viene detto di farlo, sarai punito. Hai capito? (Si, Sig...
Psycho [Spanish translation]
Introducción: Sargento de instrucción (Soldado)] Si no haces lo que se te pidió hacer , cuando se te pide hacer, vas a ser castigado. ¿Entendiste? (Si...
Psycho [Turkish translation]
[Giriş: Eğitim Çavuşu (Asker)] Eğer sana yapman gerektiği söylendiğinde yapman gerekeni yapmazsan, cezalandırılacaksın. Anladın mı? (Evet, efendim) Eğ...
Rain lyrics
Come with me to nowhere And I'll show you nothing special I'm still pleased to see you Alive I know you'll forget me But I don't care 'cause I'm alway...
Rain [French translation]
Come with me to nowhere And I'll show you nothing special I'm still pleased to see you Alive I know you'll forget me But I don't care 'cause I'm alway...
Rain [German translation]
Come with me to nowhere And I'll show you nothing special I'm still pleased to see you Alive I know you'll forget me But I don't care 'cause I'm alway...
Rain [Italian translation]
Come with me to nowhere And I'll show you nothing special I'm still pleased to see you Alive I know you'll forget me But I don't care 'cause I'm alway...
Rain [Spanish translation]
Come with me to nowhere And I'll show you nothing special I'm still pleased to see you Alive I know you'll forget me But I don't care 'cause I'm alway...
Reapers lyrics
Home Its becoming a killing field There's a cross-hair locked on my heart With no recourse And there's no one behind the wheel Hellfire You're wiping ...
Reapers [French translation]
Oh Les champs de la mort arrivent Et la cible se place dans mon coeur Sans recours Et personne n'est au volant L'enfer Maintenant tu m'écrases Tué par...
Reapers [Greek translation]
Το σπίτι Γίνεται πεδίο μάχης Υπάρχει μια μικρή γραμμή κλειδωμένη στην καρδιά μου Με καμία διαφυγή Και δεν υπάρχει κανείς στο ''τιμόνι'' Φωτιά κολάσεως...
Reapers [Italian translation]
Casa sta diventando un campo di morte. C'è un mirino bloccato sul mio cuore senza ricorso e non c'è nessuno dietro al volante. Fuoco infernale, tu mi ...
Reapers [Spanish translation]
El hogar es un campo de exterminio, Hay una mira anclada a mi corazón No hay otra opción Y no hay donde ocultarse Anillo de fuego, me estás matando. D...
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