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Muse lyrics
Follow Me [Turkish translation]
Karanlık düştüğünde Ve seni çevrelediğinde Sen düştüğünde Ve korktuğunda Ve kaybolduğunda. Cesur ol Şimdi seni tutmaya geliyorum Bütün gücün gittiğind...
Forameus lyrics
Our lives at stake I just wanna give it away Our lives at stake So let's just sign it away It doesn't matter It doesn't matter It doesn't matter It do...
Forameus [French translation]
Nos vies en danger Je veux juste l’oublier Nos vies en danger Et si on y renonçait ? Ça n’a pas d’importance Ça n’a pas d’importance Ça n’a pas d’impo...
Forameus [Spanish translation]
Nuestras vidas están en juego Solo quiero darle esto a alguien Nuestras vidas están en juego Así que renunciemos a esto No importa No importa No impor...
Forced In lyrics
Push me in Into greed Force me in Into greed Squeeze me in Into greed Ah ooh Ah ooh Break me in Ah ooh Push me in Into greed Force me in Into greed Sq...
Forced In [French translation]
Pousse-moi A la gourmandise Force-moi A la gourmandise Oppresse-moi Dans la gourmandise Ah ooh Ah ooh Casse-moi Ah ooh Pousse-moi A la gourmandise For...
Forced In [Spanish translation]
Empújame Dentro de la codicia Oblígame a entrar Dentro de la codicia Méteme a presión Dentro de la codicia Ah ooh Aah ooh Haz que entre Ah ooh Empújam...
Fury lyrics
You're so happy now Burning a candle at both ends Your self-loving soothes And softens the blows you've invented Breathe in deep, and cleanse away our...
Fury [French translation]
Tu es si heureux, maintenant Brûlant la chandelle par les deux bouts Ton narcissisme nous calme Et adoucit les tours que tu as inventés * Prend une re...
Fury [German translation]
Du bist nun so glücklich verbrennst eine Kerze an beiden Enden Deine Selbstliebe beruhigt [dich] und besänftigt die Rückschläge, die du erfunden hast....
Fury [Greek translation]
Είσαι τόσο χαρούμενος τώρα Καίγοντας ένα κερί κι από τις δύο άκρες Η αγαπη για τον εαυτό σου καταπραϋνει και μαλακώνει τις πληγές που εφηύρες Πάρε βαθ...
Fury [Italian translation]
Sei così felice ora Bruciando una candela da entrambe le parti Il tuo egocentrismo lenisce E ammorbidisce i colpi che hai inventato Respira profondame...
Fury [Spanish translation]
Estas muy feliz ahora Prendiendo una vela a ambos extremos Tus verdades vanidosas Y suaviza los golpes que has ideado Respira hondo, y purga bien nues...
Fury [Turkish translation]
Şimdi çok mutlusun İki ucu da yanan bir mum yakıyorsun Kendini beğenmişliğin rahatlıyor Ve yumuşatıyor icat ettiğin* darbeleri Derin nefes al ve günah...
Fury [Vietnamese translation]
Em giờ đang hạnh phúc lắm Thâu đêm suốt sáng Sự tự yêu mình của em, khiến những lời thầm thì em chế ra, thật mềm mại và nhẹ nhàng Thở sâu vào, và gột ...
Futurism lyrics
Ignorance pulls Apostasy and apathy still rules You know it's cool Just suck and see A future turns us into silent gods And I won't miss you at all Gr...
Futurism [French translation]
L'ignorance influence L'apostasie et l'apathie dominent Vous savez que c'est cool Continuez à gober, vous verrez Un futur nous transforme dieux silenc...
Futurism [Italian translation]
L’ignoranza attira Apostasia e apatia continuano a regnare Lo sai che è figo Tu provaci e guarda Un futuro ci trasforma in dei silenziosi E non mi man...
Futurism [Spanish translation]
La ignorancia nos jala La apostasía y la apatía aún gobiernan, Sabes que está bien Solamente aspira y observa, Un futuro nos transforma en dioses sile...
Get Up and Fight lyrics
What we have's the only Thing worth for and I I won't let nothing keep us apart Through these fallouts there is A truth and pain but through it all Yo...
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