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Grimes lyrics
IDORU [German translation]
Du bist die einizige Person, die wichtig ist Schatz, mir hatten Emotionen gefehlt Und obwohl ich zerbreche, wenigstens Fühle ich etwas (als ob ich bef...
IDORU [Greek translation]
Είσαι ο ένας και μοναδικός μωρό μου, ήμουν τόσο απαθής Και παρόλο που διαλύομαι, τουλάχιστον νιώθω κάτι (Κάτι σαν απελεύθερωση) Κοίτα, το λέω καθώς τα...
IDORU [Slovak translation]
Si jediný Zlato, bola som onemená A aj keď sa lámem, tak aspoň niečo cítim (akoby uvoľnenie) Pozri, vravím ako sa mi chvejú prsty Toto je kto som A, a...
Infinite Love Without Fulfillment lyrics
I'll wait for you if you want to (It's all about my own It's all about my own) I'll be with you it's all I want to? (x3) I'll leave you if you want to...
Infinite Love Without Fulfillment [Lithuanian translation]
Aš laukiu tavęs, jeigu tu nori (Tai viskas apie mane patį Tai viskas apie mane patį) Aš būsiu su tavim, tai viskas ko aš noriu? (x3) Aš paliksiu tave,...
Infinite Love Without Fulfillment [Slovak translation]
Budem na teba čakať ak chceš (Je to všetko o mojom vlastnom Je to všetko o mojom vlastnom) Budem s tebou, je to všetko čo chcem? (x3) Opustím ťa ak ch...
Infinite Love Without Fulfillment [Turkish translation]
Eğer istersen senin için beklerim (Sadece benimle alakalı Sadece benimle alakalı) Seninle olacağım istediğim tek şey bu? (x3) Eğer istersen seni terke...
Kill V. Maim lyrics
[Verse 1] I got in a fight, I was indisposed I was in, despite all the wicked prose But I'm only a man, and I do what I can I got friends in high plac...
Kill V. Maim [Croatian translation]
[Vers 1] Upala sam u tuču, bila sam u problemu Bila sam skroz unutra, unatoč svoj izopačenoj prozi Ali samo sam čovjek, i radim što mogu Imam prijatel...
Kill V. Maim [French translation]
Je me suis battue, j'étais mal en point J'ai participé malgré toute la mauvaise prose Mais je ne suis qu'un homme et je fais ce que je peux J'ai des a...
Kill V. Maim [German translation]
Ich geriet in eine Schlägerei, Ich war indisponiert, Ich war dabei, trotz all der üblen Prosa, denn ich bin nur ein Mensch, und ich tu was ich kann Ic...
Kill V. Maim [Hungarian translation]
Egy harcba keveredtem. Gyengélkedtem Rosszindulatú voltam az összes gonosz prózában De én csak egy ember vagyok és megteszem amit tudok Vannak barátai...
Kill V. Maim [Italian translation]
Ho fatto a botte, ero indisposto Ero a dispetto di tutto la prosa cattiva Ma non sono solo un essere umano, e faccio quello che posso Ho amicizie nei ...
Kill V. Maim [Slovak translation]
[Strofa 1] Dostala som sa do bitky, bola som indisponovaná Bola som napriek všetkej podlej próze Ale som iba muž a robím čo môžem Mám kamarátov na vys...
Kill V. Maim [Swedish translation]
[Vers 1] Jag gick i en strid, jag var disponerad Jag var i, trots all ond prosa Men jag är bara en man, och jag gör vad jag kan Jag har vänner på höga...
Kill V. Maim [Turkish translation]
Kavga ettim, kayıtsız kaldım Tüm nesirlere karşıydım Ama ben sadece elinden geleni yapan bir adamım Yükseklerde arkadaşlarım var, özgürçe çıkarım Kavg...
laughing and not being normal lyrics
Beat on the gong with him, on, on It end the way down low But you can't go where they all go Read about me, not me, not me, it ends with me When the l...
laughing and not being normal [Italian translation]
batto sul gong con lui, sul, sul finisce in basso ma non puoi andare dove tutti loro vanno leggi su di me, non me, non me, finisce con me quando le fo...
laughing and not being normal [Slovak translation]
Opieram sa s tebou o zem s mojimi kolenami Kľačím v hlbokej vode Ale nemôžeš ísť tam kde idú oni Čítal si o mne, nie ja, nie ja, končí to so mnou Keď ...
Life In The Vivid Dream lyrics
I could live in the world just like a stranger I could tell you the truth or a lie I could tell you that people are good in the end But why, why would...
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