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Grimes lyrics
Enjoy the Angels on Earth lyrics
Somewhere in your eyes The last angel Fell out from the sky Beauty Beauty loved the beast He just stares into the sun There ain't no Heaven The angels...
Entropy lyrics
Everything I've ever known is wrong Oh, what's the matter with me? Did I even want it? Did I just assume that's how it had to be? Throw a ball, it's b...
Entropy [Turkish translation]
Bildiğim her şey yanlış Ah, benim neyim var? Bunu istiyor muydum ki? Bunun bu şekilde olması gerektiğini mi düşündüm? Bir topu fırlat, duvarda sekiyor...
Flesh Without Blood lyrics
You claw, you fight, you lose Got a doll that looks just like you Remember when we used to say "I love you" almost every day I saw the light in you Go...
Flesh Without Blood [French translation]
Tu griffes, tu te bats, tu perds J'ai une poupée qui te ressemble comme deux gouttes d'eau Te souviens-tu de quand nous disions "Je t'aime" presque to...
Flesh Without Blood [German translation]
Du krallst, du kämpfst, du verlierst Habe eine Puppe, die genauso aussieht, wie du Erinnerst du dich, wenn wir "ich liebe dich" fast jeden Tag gesagt ...
Flesh Without Blood [Italian translation]
tu artigli, lotti, perdi prendi una bambola che assomiglia proprio a te ricorda quando dicevamo "ti amo" quasi ogni giorno ho visto la luce in te usci...
Flesh Without Blood [Italian translation]
Graffi, lotti, perdi Ho una bambola che assomiglia proprio a te Ricorda quando dicevamo “Ti amo” quasi ogni giorno Ho visto la luce in te Uscendo ment...
Flesh Without Blood [Portuguese translation]
Você agarra, você luta, você perde Eu tenho uma boneca igualzinha a você Lembra quando nós costumávamos dizer "Eu te amo" quase todos os dias? Eu vi a...
Flesh Without Blood [Serbian translation]
Grebeš, boriš se, izgubiš Dobio lutku koju izgleda kao ti Sećaš se kad smo pričali 'Volim te' skoro svakog dana Video sam svetlost u tebi Otišlo je ka...
Flesh Without Blood [Serbian translation]
Гребеш, бориш се, губиш Имала сам лутку која је изгледала баш као ти Сећаш се кад смо некад говорили волим те скоро сваки дан Видела сам искру у теби ...
Flesh Without Blood [Slovak translation]
Drápeš, bojuješ, strácaš Mám bábiku, ktorá vyzerá ako ty Pamätáš si, ako sme kedysi vravievali "Milujem ťa" skoro každý deň Videla som v tebe svetlo o...
Flesh Without Blood [Spanish translation]
Tu rasguñas, peleas, y pierdes tengo un muñeco que se parece a ti Recuerdas cuando nos decíamos: « Te amo » casi todos los días Yo vi la luz en ti apa...
Flesh Without Blood [Turkish translation]
Pençeliyorsun, dövüşüyorsun, kaybediyorsun Sana benzeyen bir bebek aldım Hatırlasana eskiden neredeyse her gün "Seni seviyorum" derdik Sendeki ışığı g...
Genesis lyrics
My heart will never feel Will never see Will never know Oh, heart And then it falls And then I fall And then I know Everything... Everything... Everyt...
Genesis [Belarusian translation]
Маё сэрца ніколі не адчуе, Ніколі не ўбачыць, Ніколі не даведаецца. О, сэрца. І тады яно падае, І тады я падаю, І тады я ведаю ... Усё... Усё... Усё.....
Genesis [Dutch translation]
Mijn hart zal nooit voelen Zal nooit zien Zal nooit weten Oh, hart En dan valt het En dan val ik En dan weet ik Alles... Alles... Alles... Vasthouden ...
Genesis [French translation]
Mon cœur ne ressentira jamais Ne verra jamais Ne saura jamais Oh, cœur Et puis il tombe Et puis je tombe Et puis je sais Tout... Tout... Tout... Je m'...
Genesis [German translation]
Mein Herz wird nie fühlen Wird nie sehen Wird nie wissen Oh, Herz Und dann fällt es Und dann falle ich Und dann weiß ich Alles... Alles... Alles... Ic...
Genesis [Greek translation]
Η καρδια μου ποτε δε θα νιωσει Ποτε δε θα δει Ποτε δε θα ξερει Ω, καρδια Και μετα πεφτει Και μετα πεφτω Και μετα ξερω Ολα... Ολα... Ολα... Κρατωντας γ...
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