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Grimes lyrics
Darkseid [Slovak translation]
Nepokoj je v duši, už našimi telami vôbec nehýbeme Nepokoj je v duši, už našimi telami vôbec nehýbeme [Strofa 1: 潘PAN] Pokožka na mojom chrbte pomaly ...
Darkseid [Turkish translation]
Huzursuzluk ruhun içinde, bedenlerimizi hareket ettirmiyoruz artık Huzursuzluk ruhun içinde, bedenlerimizi hareket ettirmiyoruz artık [Verse 1: 潘PAN] ...
Darq Souls lyrics
[Verse 1] Flying with my eyes open wide, oh-oh Fairy of millenia, ah-oh I'm in a crash with you in silver skies Come alive when black swans collide, y...
Darq Souls [German translation]
[Verse 1] Flying with my eyes open wide, oh-oh Fairy of millenia, ah-oh I'm in a crash with you in silver skies Come alive when black swans collide, y...
Darq Souls [Turkish translation]
[Verse 1] Flying with my eyes open wide, oh-oh Fairy of millenia, ah-oh I'm in a crash with you in silver skies Come alive when black swans collide, y...
Delete Forever lyrics
Lying so awake, things I can't escape Lately, I just turn 'em into demons Flew into the sun, fucking heroin Lately I just turn 'em into reasons and ex...
Delete Forever [German translation]
Ich liege so wach; Dinge, denen ich nicht entkommen kann In letzter Zeit mache ich aus ihnen einfach Demonen Ich bin in die Sonne geflogen, verdammtes...
Delete Forever [Greek translation]
Είμαι ξαπλωμένη σε επαγρύπνηση, αυτά που δε μπορώ να ξεφύγω τελευταία, τα μετατρέπω σε δαίμονες Πέταξα κοντά στον ήλιο, γαμωηρωίνη τελευταία τα μετατρ...
Delete Forever [Korean translation]
깨어있는 채로 누워있어, 피할 수 없는 것들 최근엔 그냥 그것들을 악마로 바꿔버리지 태양으로 날아가서, 망할 헤로인으로 최근엔 그냥 그것들을 이유와 변명들로 바꿔버리지 난 일어나지 않을 때면 항상 쓰러져 있지, 그냥 내 운이 나쁘다 생각해 내 시간을 영구한 파란색으로 ...
Delete Forever [Russian translation]
Я опять во тьме. Беды этих дней - Пусть обратятся в демонов и улетают, Сгинут в небо, в синь. Гадкий героин, Он просто был предлогом недавно, но нет ж...
Delete Forever [Slovak translation]
ležím prebudená, veci, ktorým neuniknem v poslednej dobre, proste ich premením na démonov vyleteli do slnka, skurvený heroín v poslednej dobe ich prem...
Delete Forever [Spanish translation]
Acostada tan despierta, asuntos que no puedo escapar Últimamente, sólo los convierto en demonios Volé hacia el sol, jodida heroina Últimamente, solo l...
Delete Forever [Turkish translation]
Uyanık bir şekilde yatıyorum, kaçamadığım şeyler Son zamanlarda onları sadece şeytanlara çeviriyorum Güneşe doğru uçtu, lanet olası eroin Son zamanlar...
Devon lyrics
[Intro] Oh my love, I'll wait I have been waiting here all day And I want to be right now with you When you and I were being loved [Chorus] Oh my love...
Devon [Slovak translation]
[Intro] Oh moja láska, budem čakať Čakala som tu celý deň A teraz chcem byť s tebou Keď ty a ja sme boli milovaní [Refrén] Oh moja láska, som na dne L...
Dream Fortress lyrics
[Verse 1] Oh, touching He can't have it I can tease Oh, lie with me Tired of living on my own, baby Oh, how dear, when I see (Have it when it's waitin...
Dream Fortress [Slovak translation]
[Strofa 1] Oh, dotýkanie Nemôže to mať Môžem dráždiť Oh, lež so mnou Unavená zo žitia osamote, zlatko oh, aké milé, keď vidím (Maj to, keď to na teba ...
Easily lyrics
Fly through the night, fly like everyone I know Like everyone, I've been conceited Fly through the night, doesn't matter where you go When you leave, ...
Easily [Slovak translation]
Lietam počas noci, lietam ako všetko čo poznám Ako všetko, bola som počatá Lietam počas noci, nezáleží na tom kam pôjdeš Keď odídeš, cítim sa porazená...
Eight lyrics
you're coming on me, you're coming on me I know you not in the.. you're coming on me, you're coming on me and if you know do you wonder .. mission a b...
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