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Good Charlotte lyrics
Keep Your Hands Off My Girl [Serbian translation]
Neka ploča svira, Neka ploča svira, Neka ploča svira. Način na koji igraš, Način na koji se krećeš, način na koji zuriš u mene preko sobe, Ti nosiš Di...
Last December lyrics
His friends all come to the funeral underdressed They stuck around for an hour or so and then they left But I couldn’t take it personal, I laughed I w...
Last Night lyrics
Let's go. All that I remember is that you had me at hello. I knew right when I met her that I wouldn't take it slow. The more we heard the music, the ...
Last Night [Greek translation]
Πάμε. Το μόνο που θυμάμαι είναι ότι με κέρδισες με το "καλησπέρα σας". Ήξερα ακριβώς όταν τη γνώρισα ότι δε θα το πήγαινα αργά. Όσο περισσότερο ακούγα...
Leech lyrics
Born to the leeches Born on the ground Left in a dark room Figure it out And no mausoleum were Written in scriptures We run to the graveyard Seeking s...
Let Me Go lyrics
Down in the streets outside of Washington, D.C. I wasted all my time and you were there with me Back then it meant so much to have you by my side I al...
Let the Music Play lyrics
There's a song that you can find In every moment of your life In every tear you've ever cried In every painful last goodbye So when the system breaks ...
Life Changes lyrics
Let's go now, it's open season Going through these life changes Gotta keep my feet moving I'm looking up at the sky Gotta keep my eyes open Gonna keep...
Life Is Hard lyrics
Verse 1: I don’t wanna be just another asshole Waiting at the stop sign afraid to take a wrong route, I’m choosing my faith, I’m not gonna complaint. ...
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous lyrics
Always see it on TV Or read it in the magazines Celebrities who want sympathy All they do is piss and moan Inside the Rolling Stone Talkin' about how ...
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous [German translation]
Man sieht sie immer im Fernsehen Oder liest in Magazinen von ihnen: Prominente, die gerne bemitleidet werden wollen. Alles was sie tun, ist nerven und...
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous [Hungarian translation]
Mindig látom a tévében vagy olvasom az magazinokban Hogy a hírességek, akik szimpátiát akarnak nem csinálnak mást, csak bosszantanak és nyafognak A Ro...
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous [Polish translation]
Zawsze widzimy to w telewizji Albo czytamy o tym w gazetach Gwiazdy chcą współczucia Nic nie robią, tylko lamentują W magazynie Rolling Stone Opowiada...
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous [Turkish translation]
Bunu her zaman televizyonda görürüm. Veya dergilerde okurum. Ünlüler sempati ister. Hepsinin yaptığı mızmızlanmak ve kızmaktır. The Rolling Stone'un i...
Like It's Her Birthday lyrics
Tonight I kinda get the feeling my girl is up to something Something that is no good She said she only had a meeting but she is dressed for something ...
Little Things lyrics
Yeah, this song is dedicated (This is Good Charlotte) To every kid who ever got picked last in gym class (You know what I'm saying, this is for you) T...
Little Things [French translation]
Ouais, cette chanson est dédiée (Nous sommes Good Charlotte) À tous les jeunes de qui on s'est déjà moqué dans les cours de sports (Vous savez ce que ...
Little Things [German translation]
Yeah, dieses Lied ist (Wir sind Good Charlotte) Für jedes Kind das jemals im Sportunterricht zuletzt gewählt wurde (Du weißt, wovon ich spreche, das i...
Los Angeles Worldwide lyrics
Everything Everything Is gonna be alright Everything Everything Everything Is gonna be alright From Baltimore to Los Angeles From '99 to the year we'r...
Makeshift Love lyrics
I fuckin' hate these nights The ones where you don't know me If I could get this right If I could get away from the old me But I'll survive Right now ...
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