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Good Charlotte lyrics
Emotionless [Spanish translation]
Eh papá Te escribo No para decirte que aún te odio Sólo para preguntarte Cómo te sientes Y cómo fracasamos Cómo se vino todo abajo ¿Eres feliz ahí fue...
Emotionless [Turkish translation]
Hey baba Sana yazıyorum Senden hâlâ nefret ettiğimi söylemek için değil Sadece sormak için Nasıl hissettiğini Ve nasıl böyle parçalandığımızı Bunun na...
Face The Strange lyrics
Save me (save me, save me, save me) Lately I've been feeling low I've been feeling alone the things I used to be I miss the things I used to see I nee...
Falling Away lyrics
And tonight we burn down everything We worked so hard to build The ashes will reign down on me Memories set aflame, sail away What we said if we can m...
Festival Song lyrics
I don't care about a thing today I used to but I'm fed up And I can hear the words you say I wish that you would shut up I've got responsibility That ...
Fight Song lyrics
Motherfuckers should have never turned my mic on. Oh, Oh, Said Whoa This is a fight Said here we are This is a fight [Verse I] You motherfuckers shoul...
Generation Rx lyrics
Where does all this pain come from? Where does it hide? Where does it go? Looking in the dark I couldn't see it Are we divine? Are we alone? Where doe...
Generation Rx [Indonesian translation]
Darimana semua luka ini datang? Dimana ia sembunyi? Kemana ia pergi? Melihat dalam gelap, aku tak dapat melihatnya Apakah kita hebat? Apakah kita send...
Ghost of You lyrics
And I will wait until the end, when the pendulum will swing back To the darker side of our hearts bleeding I will save this empty space next to me lik...
Girls & Boys lyrics
Educated, with money He's well dressed, not funny And not much to say in most conversations But he'll foot the bill in all situations 'Cause he pays f...
Harlow's Song [Can't Dream Without You] lyrics
When you close your eyes and go to sleep tonight I'll be right outside your door Dreams will come and they'll take you away Let them bring you back to...
Harlow's Song [Can't Dream Without You] [Indonesian translation]
Saat kau menutup matamu dan tidur malam ini Aku akan tepat berada di balik pintumu Mimpi akan datang dan membawamu Biarkan mereka membawamu kembali pa...
Hold On lyrics
This world, this world is cold But you don't, you don't have to go You're feeling sad, you're feeling lonely And no one seems to care You're mother's ...
Hold On [Hungarian translation]
Ez a világ, ez a világ hideg De neked nem, neked nem kell elmenned Szomorú vagy, magányosnak érzed magad És úgy tűnik senki sem törődik veled Anyád el...
Hold On [Indonesian translation]
Dunia ini, dunia ini tak bersahabat Tapi kamu tidak, kamu tidak harus pergi Kamu sedang merasa sedih, kamu sedang merasa kesepian Dan nampaknya tak ad...
Hold On [Turkish translation]
bu dünya, bu dünya çok soğuk, ama sen, gitmek zorunda değilsin üzgün hissediyorsun, yalnız hissediyorsun kimse umursamıyor gibi görünüyor annen gitti ...
I Don't Wanna Stop lyrics
(Yeea, yea) (One, two) All these games you play your messin with my head (Your messin with my head) And I dont know why I stay I should leave instead ...
I Don't Want to be in Love lyrics
She's going out to forget they were together All that time he was taking her for granted She wants to see if there's more than he gave she's looking f...
I Don't Want to be in Love [Greek translation]
Βγαίνει για να ξεχάσει ότι ήταν μαζί όλο εκείνον τον καιρό τη θεωρούσε δεδομένη θέλει να δεί αν ψάχνει κάτι παραπάνω από όσα της έδινε εκείνος. Της τη...
I Don't Want to be in Love [Greek translation]
Βγάινει για να ξεχάσει ότι ήταν μαζί όλο αυτό τον καιρό αυτός της έλεγε για παραχωρήσεις αυτή ήθελε να δεί αν υπάρχουν περισσότερα από αυτά που της έδ...
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