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Hillsong Church also performed lyrics
King of Majesty
You know that, I love You, You know that, I want to know You so much more, More than I have before These words are, From my heart, These words are, No...
King of Majesty [Russian translation]
You know that, I love You, You know that, I want to know You so much more, More than I have before These words are, From my heart, These words are, No...
I Give You My Heart [Russian translation]
(Стих:) Это моё желание - почитать Тебя. Господи, всем сердцем моим я поклоняюсь Тебе. Всем, что есть во мне, Я воздаю Тебе хвалу; И всё, что я обожаю...
Marty Sampson - In Your Freedom
1. I search for You, God of strength. I bow to You in my brokenness. And no other King could have so humbly come to save my soul and heal my heart. I ...
In Your Freedom [French translation]
1. I search for You, God of strength. I bow to You in my brokenness. And no other King could have so humbly come to save my soul and heal my heart. I ...
In Your Freedom [Slovak translation]
1. I search for You, God of strength. I bow to You in my brokenness. And no other King could have so humbly come to save my soul and heal my heart. I ...
It's Your Love
Upon the hill of Calvary He came from heaven's throne Our fallen-ness and mercy meet Where blood and water flow What grace divine, What selflessness T...
It's Your Love [French translation]
Upon the hill of Calvary He came from heaven's throne Our fallen-ness and mercy meet Where blood and water flow What grace divine, What selflessness T...
It's Your Love [Polish translation]
Upon the hill of Calvary He came from heaven's throne Our fallen-ness and mercy meet Where blood and water flow What grace divine, What selflessness T...
It's Your Love [Spanish translation]
Upon the hill of Calvary He came from heaven's throne Our fallen-ness and mercy meet Where blood and water flow What grace divine, What selflessness T...
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let you go You've taken me from the miry clay Set my feet upon a rock, and now I know. I love you, I need ...
Jesus, Lover of My Soul [Slovak translation]
Ježiš, ty čo miluješ moju dušu Ježiš, ja ťa nikdy neopustím. Ty si ma vzal z ílovitej zeme a preniesol ma na kameň, to dnes už viem. Milujem ťa a potr...
Jesus, Lover of My Soul [Thai translation]
พระเยซู, คนรักของจิตวิญญาณของฉัน พระเยซูฉันจะไม่ยอมให้คุณไป คุณได้เอาฉันจากดินเป็นโคลนตม ตั้งเท้าของฉันบนศิลาและตอนนี้ฉันรู้ว่า ผมรักคุณฉันต้องการให้ค...
Made Me Glad
I will bless the Lord forever I will trust Him at all times He has delivered me from all fear He has set my feet upon a rock I will not be moved And I...
Made Me Glad [Chinese translation]
我要 讚美主,到永遠 我要 時時信靠祂 拯救我脫離一切恐懼 使我安穩立在磐石上 全心信靠你 不住讚美你 你是我盾牌,我的力量 我的福份,你拯救我 我的遮蓋,堅固高台 是我隨時幫助,和一切所需 天上 除你外我還有誰 唯有你,是我心所渴慕 使我心喜樂 不住讚美你 你是我盾牌,我的力量 我的福份,你拯救我...
Made Me Glad [French translation]
Je bénis mon Dieu chaque jour J'ai mis en Lui ma confiance Il m'a délivré de mes craintes Il m'a recueilli dans Son refuge Qui pourra m'atteindre Car ...
Made Me Glad [Korean translation]
(1절) 주를 영원히 송축해 항상 주 의지하리 두렴 속에서 날 건지사 반석 위에 날 세우셨네 요동하지 않고 주를 고백하리 (2절) 내가 사모할 자 오직 주 주와 같은 분 없으리 내 기쁨 되시는 주를 고백하리 (후렴) 나의 방패 힘과 내 기업 구원자 피난처 강한 성루 언...
Made Me Glad [Spanish translation]
Verso 1 Bendeciré al Señor por siempre Confiare todo el tiempo en Él; Me libro de todos mis temores, Mis pies sobre la roca afirmó. Puente Y no me mov...
Made Me Glad [Tagalog [dialects] translation]
Lagi kong pupurihin ang Panginoon Sa lahat ng pagkakataon, magtitiwala ako sa Kanya Iniligtas Niya ako sa lahat ng kabagabagan Dinala Niya ako sa mala...
VERSE 1: Who compares to You? Who set the stars in their place? You who calmed the raging seas That came crashing over me. VERSE 2: Who compares to Yo...
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