Kleiner Satellit [piep, piep] lyrics
Piep piep, kleiner Satellit
Sag ihm, daß es mich noch gibt
Piep piep, kleiner Satellit
Frag ihn ob er mich noch liebt
Piep piep, kleiner Satellit
Sag ...
Kleiner Satellit [piep, piep] [Czech translation]
Pípnutí, malý satelit
Řekněte mu, že stále existuji
Pípnutí, malý satelit
Zeptej se ho, jestli mě ještě miluje
Pípnutí, malý satelit
Řekni mu, že moje...
Kleiner Satellit [piep, piep] [English translation]
Beep, beep, little satellite
Tell him that I still exist
Beep, beep, little satellite
Ask him if he still loves me
Beep, beep, little satellite
Tell h...
Kleiner Satellit [piep, piep] [English translation]
Peep peep, little satellite
Tell him that it's still me
Peep peep, little satellite
Ask him whether he still loves me
Peep peep, little satellite
Liebe, Liebe [English translation]
Love, love,
Come to me
I've got such a strong desire (in my soul),
But I can't help it.
Love, love,
Go to him
Tell him that I'm crying and I miss him
Nur Für Euch [English translation]
Ladies and gentlemen, do we wanna have a good time?
One, two, three, four
Only for you all,
I do crazy stuff
Only for you all,
I can laugh when I'm fe...