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The Phantom of the Opera (Musical) lyrics
Learn To Be Lonely [Russian translation]
Child of the wilderness Born into emptiness Learn to be lonely Learn to find your way in darkness Who will be there for you Comfort and care for you L...
Learn To Be Lonely [Swedish translation]
Child of the wilderness Born into emptiness Learn to be lonely Learn to find your way in darkness Who will be there for you Comfort and care for you L...
Learn To Be Lonely [Turkish translation]
Child of the wilderness Born into emptiness Learn to be lonely Learn to find your way in darkness Who will be there for you Comfort and care for you L...
Learn To Be Lonely [Turkish translation]
Child of the wilderness Born into emptiness Learn to be lonely Learn to find your way in darkness Who will be there for you Comfort and care for you L...
Little Lotte lyrics
Raoul: Little Lotte let her mind wander Christine: You Remember thattoo Raoul: Little Lotte thought: Am I fonder of dolls Raoul & Christine: Or of gob...
Little Lotte [Finnish translation]
Raoul: Little Lotte let her mind wander Christine: You Remember thattoo Raoul: Little Lotte thought: Am I fonder of dolls Raoul & Christine: Or of gob...
Lo Specchio [The Mirror] lyrics
Il Fantasma: Quell'insolente damerino, brama la tua gloria! Sciocco viveur adulatore, guasta la mia arte. Christine: Angelo sei con me, ti sento. Semp...
Lo Specchio [The Mirror] [English translation]
Il Fantasma: Quell'insolente damerino, brama la tua gloria! Sciocco viveur adulatore, guasta la mia arte. Christine: Angelo sei con me, ti sento. Semp...
Male e odio intorno a me [Down Once More] lyrics
Fantasma: Tornerai nella cella della mia follia! Scenderai nell'abisso che c'è in me Dove mai via d'uscita c'è per te! Se non sai cosa mi gettò nell'a...
Male e odio intorno a me [Down Once More] [English translation]
Fantasma: Tornerai nella cella della mia follia! Scenderai nell'abisso che c'è in me Dove mai via d'uscita c'è per te! Se non sai cosa mi gettò nell'a...
Maskenball lyrics
[ ENSEMBLE ] Maskenball! Kunterbunter Mummenschanz Maskenball! Niemand ist der für den ihn andere halten Maskenball! Fantasie im stummen Tanz Maskenba...
Maskenball [English translation]
[ ENSEMBLE ] Maskenball! Kunterbunter Mummenschanz Maskenball! Niemand ist der für den ihn andere halten Maskenball! Fantasie im stummen Tanz Maskenba...
Masquerade/Why So Silent lyrics
[Firmin (spoken):] Monsieur Andre! [Andre (spoken):] Monsieur Firmin! [Firmin:] Dear Andre, what a splendid party [Andre:] The prelude to a bright new...
Masquerade/Why So Silent [Finnish translation]
[Firmin (spoken):] Monsieur Andre! [Andre (spoken):] Monsieur Firmin! [Firmin:] Dear Andre, what a splendid party [Andre:] The prelude to a bright new...
Mehr will ich nicht von dir lyrics
(Raoul) Nun bist du geborgen. Die Nacht erreicht dich nicht, denn ich will dich bewahren vor Ängsten und Gefahren. Folg mir in den Morgen. Ich geh' mi...
Mehr will ich nicht von dir [English translation]
(Raoul) Nun bist du geborgen. Die Nacht erreicht dich nicht, denn ich will dich bewahren vor Ängsten und Gefahren. Folg mir in den Morgen. Ich geh' mi...
Min bøn til dig [All i ask of you] lyrics
Raoul: Glem nu alt det dunkle Forjag din mørke frygt For jeg vil dig forsvare Her lurer ingen fare Find hos mig din frihed Lad dagen komme trygt For j...
Min bøn til dig [All i ask of you] [English translation]
Raoul: Glem nu alt det dunkle Forjag din mørke frygt For jeg vil dig forsvare Her lurer ingen fare Find hos mig din frihed Lad dagen komme trygt For j...
Min bøn til dig [All i ask of you] [Finnish translation]
Raoul: Glem nu alt det dunkle Forjag din mørke frygt For jeg vil dig forsvare Her lurer ingen fare Find hos mig din frihed Lad dagen komme trygt For j...
Musica per noi [Music of the Night] lyrics
Quando brami strane tentazioni Quando vuoi oscure sensazioni Nella notte senti Immensi sogni ardenti Notte lieve, colma di splendore Chiama, senti, of...
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