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10,000 Maniacs also performed lyrics
Sandy Denny - Who Knows Where the Time Goes?
Across the evening sky all the birds are leaving But how can they know it's time for them to go? Before the winter fire, I shall still be dreaming I d...
Who Knows Where the Time Goes? [French translation]
À travers du ciel du soir tous les oiseaux quittent Mais comment peuvent-ils savoir que c'est le temps pour eux pour partir? Avant du feu hivernal,je ...
Peace Train lyrics
Now I've been happy lately Thinking about the good things to come And I believe it could be Something good has begun Oh I've been smiling lately Dream...
Peace Train [Croatian translation]
Pa bio sam sretan u posljednje vrijeme Misleći na sve dobre stvari koje će doći I vjerujem da bi moglo biti Da je nešto dobro započelo Oh, smješkao sa...
Peace Train [Estonian translation]
Olen viimasel ajal õnnelik olnud Mõelnud kõigele heale, mis tulemas Ja ma usun, et võib olla et midagi head on alanud Mul on viimasel ajal naeratus su...
Peace Train [German translation]
In letzter Zeit bin ich glücklich Wenn ich an die guten Dinge denke, die uns bevorstehen Und ich glaube, es könnte sein Dass etwas wirklich Gutes bego...
Peace Train [Polish translation]
Ostatnio bardzo się cieszę na myśl o czymś dobrym, co nadejdzie. I wierzę, że to możliwe, coś dobrego już się zaczęło. Och, ostatnio uśmiecham się mar...
Peace Train [Russian translation]
В последнее время я очень счастлив Думая о том, что наступит что-то хорошее И я верю, что это возможно Что-то хорошее уже началось В последнее время я...
Peace Train [Turkish translation]
Şimdi son zamanlarda mutlu oldum İyi şeylerin geleceğini düşünüyorum Ve olabileceğine inanıyorum İyi bir şey başladı Oh, son zamanlarda gülümsüyorum B...
Peace Train [Turkish translation]
Son zamanlarda mutluyum artık Olacak güzel şeyleri düşünüyorum Ve olabileceğine inanıyorum Güzel bir şey başladı Oh gülümsüyorum son zamanlarda Dünyay...
Charlie Hunter - More Than This
I could feel at the time There was no way of knowing Fallen leaves in the night Who can say where they're blowing As free as the wind And hopefully le...
More Than This [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Je pouvais sentir à l'époque Qu'il n'y avait aucun moyen de savoir Les feuilles tombées dans la nuit Qui peut dire où elles s'envolent ? A...
More Than This [German translation]
[1. Strophe] Zu jener Zeit hatte ich das Gefühl Dass ich es hätte nicht wissen können Nachts fallende Blätter Wer kann schon sagen, wohin sie der Wind...
More Than This [Greek translation]
[Στροφή 1] Μπορούσα να το αισθανθώ τότε Δεν υπήρχε τρόπος να γνωρίζω Πεσμένα φύλα μέσα στην νύχτα Ποιος μπορεί να πει που τα πηγαίνει ο αέρας; Τόσο ελ...
More Than This [Romanian translation]
Pot simti intr-un moment Nu e niciun fel de a stii Frunze cazute in noapte Cine poate spune unde vor fi duse? La fel de liber ca vantul Invatand spera...
More Than This [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1] Я мог тогда почувствовать, Никто не мог этого знать. Опавшие листья в ночи. Кто может сказать, куда они летят? Свободны, как ветер, Надеюсь...
More Than This [Serbian translation]
Mogao sam da osetim onda Nije bilo načina da se sazna Otpalo lišće u noći Ko može da kaže gde ga vetar nosi Slobodni kao vetar I s puno nade učimo Zaš...
More Than This [Spanish translation]
Yo podía vivir, ... al final ...1 ... no había forma de saberlo ...2 ... Nocturnas hojas perdidas ... ... quién sabe a dónde van en vuelo ... ... como...
More Than This [Spanish translation]
Podría sentir todo el tiempo No hay forma de saberlo Hojas caídas en la noche ¿Quién puede decir dónde volaron? Libres como el viento Y espero aprende...
More Than This [Turkish translation]
O zaman hissedebiliyordum Bilmenin hiç bir yolu yoktu Geceleyin düşen yapraklar Nereye uçtuklarını kim söyleyebilir Rüzgar kadar özgür Ve neyse ki öğr...
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