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Luis Miguel lyrics
Luis Miguel - Cuando vuelva a tu lado
Cuando vuelva a tu lado No me niegues tus besos Que el amor que te he dado No podrás olvidar No me preguntes nada Que nada he de explicarte Que el bes...
Cuando vuelva a tu lado [English translation]
When I'll return by your side Don't deny me your kises Because the love I've given to you You won't be able to forget Don't ask me anything Because th...
Cuando vuelva a tu lado [English translation]
When I'm back by your side Don't deny me your kisses For the love I've given You won't everforget Don't ask me anything There's nothing more to explai...
Cuando vuelva a tu lado [English translation]
When I come to your side Don't deny me your kisses For that love that I gave you You can never forget. Ask me nothing For I've nothing to explain Thos...
Cuando vuelva a tu lado [French translation]
Quand je reviendrai à tes côtés Ne me refuse pas tes baisers Que l'amour que je t'ai donné Tu ne puisses l'oublier. Ne me demande rien Que je n'ai rie...
Cuando vuelva a tu lado [Italian translation]
Quando ritorno da te Non negarmi i tuoi baci Perché l'amore che ti ho dato Non potrai dimenticare. Non farmi domande Perchè non ho niente da spiegarti...
Cuando vuelva a tu lado [Turkish translation]
Yanına geldiğim zaman Öpücüklerini esirgeme benden Çünkü sana verdiğim sevgiyi Unutamayacaksın Bir şey sorma bana Hiçbir şey açıklamak zorunda değilim...
Cuestión de piel lyrics
Cuestión de piel Cuestión de amor Un latigazo que te va de lado a lado Cuestión de piel De corazón Que va latiendo nuevamente acompasado Suave suave c...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] lyrics
Precisamente ahora que tu ya te has ido Me han dicho que has estado engañándome ¿Por qué de pronto tienes tantos enemigos? ¿Por qué tengo que andar di...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [English translation]
[stanza 1] Precisely now, that you are already gone, they have told me that you have been deceiving me. How come, suddenly, you have so many enemies? ...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [English translation]
Precisely now that you've already left They've told me you've been unfaithful to me Why do you suddenly seem to have made many enemies? And why am I s...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [English translation]
Precisely, now that you you left, I have been told that you've been cheating on me, Why, all of a sudden do you have so many enemies? Why, do i have t...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [French translation]
Précisément maintenant que tu es déjà parti Ils m'ont dit que tu m'as trompé Pourquoi as-tu soudainement autant d'ennemis? Pourquoi dois-je m'excuser ...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [German translation]
Genau jetzt, wo du schon weg bist Sie sagten mir, dass du hast mich betrogen Warum hast du plötzlich so viele Feinde? Warum muss ich mich bei dir ents...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [German translation]
[Vers 1] Gerade jetzt, wo du schon gegangen bist, Hat man mir erzählt, dass du mich betrogen hat. Warum hast du plötzlich so viele Feinde? Warum muss ...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [Italian translation]
[Strofa 1] Proprio adesso che te ne sei già andata mi hanno detto che mi stavi ingannando. Perché di colpo hai tanti nemici? Perché devo stare a disco...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [Serbian translation]
Upravo sada kada si otišla Rekli su mi da si me varala Zašto tako brzo imaš puno neprijatelja? Zašto ti se moram izvinjavati? Ukoliko lažu, molim te b...
Culpable o no [Miénteme como siempre] [Turkish translation]
Tam sen gittiğin şu anda Beni aldattığını söylediler Neden birden bu kadar düşmanın oldu? Neden seni bağışlamak zorunda kalayım? Eğer onlar yalan söyl...
Dame lyrics
Dame agua, dame vida Ya no quiero estar dormido Dame alguna seña que me acerque más a ti Dame el árbol de tu vida Que me cure las heridas Y que vuelva...
Dame [English translation]
Give me water, give me life I don't want to be asleep anymore Give me any hints that make me closer to you Give me the tree of your life That heals my...
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