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Max Pezzali lyrics
Il mondo insieme a te lyrics
Forse non sarei come sono adesso forse non avrei questa forza addosso forse non saprei neanche fare un passo forse crollerei scivolando in basso invec...
Il mondo insieme a te [English translation]
Maybe I wouldn’t be the person I am Maybe I wouldn’t be as strong as I am Maybe I wouldn’t be able to move forward Maybe I would slip and fall If you ...
Il mondo insieme a te [English translation]
Maybe I wouldn't be as I'm now Maybe I wouldn't have this strenght in me Maybe I couldn't make a single step Maybe i would give up and go down But you...
Il mondo insieme a te [English translation]
Maybe I wouldn't be like I am now Maybe I wouldn't have this strenght Maybe I wouldn't even be able to make a step maybe I'd fall down slipping instea...
Il mondo insieme a te [French translation]
Peut-être que je ne serais pas comme je suis maintenant peut-être que je n'aurais pas cette force en moi peut-être que je ne saurais même pas faire un...
Il mondo insieme a te [Serbian translation]
Можда нећу бити као што сам сад можда нећу имати ову предност можда нећу знати чак ни како да начиним корак Можда ћу се оклизнути Ипак ту си ти и дала...
Il mondo insieme a te [Spanish translation]
Quizás no sería como ahora quizás no tendría esta fuerza conmigo quizás no sabría ni siquiera como dar un paso quizás caería deslizando abajo en cambi...
L'universo tranne noi lyrics
Ti ho incontrata ma tu non mi hai visto Eri in macchina, è stato un attimo Ma il mio cuore si è come bloccato O era fermo prima e ha ripreso a battere...
L'universo tranne noi [English translation]
I met you but you don’t saw me You were in car, it was a moment But my heart was like blocked Or was stopped before and started to beat again A lot of...
L'universo tranne noi [English translation]
I met you but you didn't see me You were in your car, it was a second But my heart stopped Or was arrested before and then it started again beating I ...
L'universo tranne noi [French translation]
Je t'ai rencontrée, mais toi, tu ne m'as pas vu Tu étais en voiture, ça a été un instant Mais mon cœur s'est comme bloqué Ou il était arrêté avant et ...
L'universo tranne noi [German translation]
ich habe dich getroffen doch du hast mich nicht gesehen du warst im Auto, es war ein Augenblick Aber mein Herz ist wie blockiert oder es ist erst steh...
L'universo tranne noi [Swedish translation]
Jag stötte på dig, men du såg mig inte Du var i bilen, det var ett ögonblick Men mitt hjärta var som blockerat Eller hade det stannat tidigare och nu ...
Le canzoni alla radio lyrics
[Ritornello] Le canzoni alla radio le parole che mi sembravano raccontare storie successe solo a me e studiare nei video ogni movimento al millimetro ...
Lo strano percorso lyrics
C'è un tempo per i baci sperati, desiderati Tra i banchi della 1^B Occhiali grandi, sempre gli stessi, un po' troppo spessi Per piacere ad una così Ne...
Lo strano percorso [English translation]
There's a time for longed kisses, desired among the desks of the 1^ B large eye-glasses, always the same ones, a little too thick to be appreciated by...
Lo strano percorso [English translation]
There's a time for hoped kisses, desired at school in the 1° B class (literaly it's "among the desks" but I don't know if it's correct) big glasses, a...
Me la caverò lyrics
Occhi che mi guardano Dallo specchio osservano Occhi a volte un po' troppo severi scrutano Per capire quanto c'è Di diverso come se Dalla faccia e dai...
Me la caverò [English translation]
Those eyes are looking at me they are observing me from the mirror sometimes too harsh for their age to understand how much is different than if from ...
Me la caverò [Finnish translation]
silmät kattoo mua tarkkailee mua peilistä joskus hieman liian ankarat silmät ikäisekseen ymmärtää miten paljon on erillainen kuin jos se oli yksinkert...
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