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Theatres des Vampires lyrics
Intro / Twilight Kingdom lyrics
There is no way out "From this damned land Where the devil and his sons Still walk with human feet" These are my last words May they be carved in ston...
Intro / Twilight Kingdom [Polish translation]
Nie ma wyjścia z tego potępionego kraju Gdzie Diabeł i jego synowie wciąż chodzą ludzkimi stopami To moje ostatnie słowa Dzień może być wyrzeźbiony je...
Kain lyrics
Dancing in the circle of fire We are the children of madness Waiting... For the end of time No more heroes no more sorrows No more human lies Kain You...
Kain [German translation]
Wir tanzen im Kreis aus Feuer Wir sind die Kinder des Wahnsinns Wir warten... auf das Ende der Zeit Keine Helden mehr, kein Leid mehr Keine menschlich...
Kain [Polish translation]
Taniec w kręgu ognia Jesteśmy dziećmi szału Oczekiwanie ... Do końca czasów Żadnych bohaterów, żadnego smutku Żadnych ludzkich kłamstw Kain Będziesz m...
Keeper of Secrets lyrics
''Croce sul cuore possa morire Se questo segreto si viene a scorpine...'' When our time is coming And the night is black I am here and wait for him to...
Keeper of Secrets [Hungarian translation]
Szívén a kereszttel halhat meg, ha rátalál eme titokra… Ha ütött az óránk, mikor mélysötét az éj, Én itt leszek, hogy várjak rá hogy a hét csapást hoz...
Keeper of Secrets [Polish translation]
Kiedy nadchodzi nasz czas a noc jest czarna Jestem tu i czekam na niego aby przyszedł i przyniósł Siedem Plag. Spróbuj ukryć swoje sekrety Nikt nie mo...
Kingdom Of Vampires lyrics
[Latin words are taken from Dante's "Divine comedy"] Dark is around me All is wrapped from the fog A sensation of an universal void Like an omen of de...
La Danse Du Vampires lyrics
Unholy bloody fucking suckers I'm your nightmare, your damnation This night we rise to suck your blood This night we rise to fuck your soul Danse! Dan...
La Danse Macabre du Vampire lyrics
Unholy bloody fucking suckers I'm your nightmare, your damnation This night we rise to suck your blood! This night we rise to fuck your soul! Danse! D...
La Danse Macabre du Vampire [Spanish translation]
Jodidos impíos sangrientos chupadores Yo soy vuestra pesadilla, vuestra condena ¡Esta noche nos alzamos a chuparos la sangre! ¡Esta noche nos alzamos ...
Lacríma Christi lyrics
Pagani sodomizzati Prede immortali cosi perfette nel peccato Nascondono le voglie nelle unghie Spaventano le mani Disperdendo il sangue della vita Una...
Lacríma Christi [English translation]
Pagani sodomizzati Prede immortali cosi perfette nel peccato Nascondono le voglie nelle unghie Spaventano le mani Disperdendo il sangue della vita Una...
Lady in Black lyrics
On the hill the ancient oak, she lives in the house of the crying eyes dismal lullaby tales of her life. blood... pain... lust and perversion You can ...
Lady in Black [Polish translation]
Na wzgórzu, w starym dębie, Ona mieszka w domu płaczących oczu, ponura kołysanka opowiadająca jej życie. Krew .. Ból .. Pożądanie i upór. Możesz ją zo...
Le Grand Guignol lyrics
Welcome to this theatre Theatre of your life No one here gets out alive When the red curtain rises And the macabre play begins Waiting for the life pa...
Les Litanies De Satan lyrics
[Words taken from Charles Baudelaire's poem, in the section "Révolte", and music of Beethoven] O toi, le plus savant et le plus beau des Anges, Dieu t...
Les Litanies De Satan [English translation]
[Words taken from Charles Baudelaire's poem, in the section "Révolte", and music of Beethoven] O you, the most learned and handsome among angels, a go...
Let Me Die lyrics
Drop by drop Take my blood You will taste your emptiness Fuck my blood One more time You've never been alive... Lots of voices around me All the time ...
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