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Theatres des Vampires lyrics
Can't Get Out You Of My Grave [Serbian translation]
La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la You can’t get you out of my grave Your lovin’ is all I...
Carmilla lyrics
Her black shadow at the foot of your bed Her pure white dress you can feel her on your breast You can't stop her in the coils of her sweet spell You c...
Carmilla [Greek translation]
Η μαύρη σκιά της στο πρόποδα του κρεβατιού σου Τ’ αγνό λευκό της φόρεμα, μπορείς να τη νιώσεις στο στήθος σου Δε μπορείς να τη σταματήσεις στο περιτύλ...
Carmilla [Polish translation]
Jej czarny cień w nogach twojego łóżka Jej czysta biała sukienka... Możesz poczuć ją na twojej piersi Nie możesz zatrzymać jej w spiralach jej słodkie...
Carmilla [Portuguese translation]
A sua sombra negra aos pés da tua cama O seu vestido branco puro, podes senti-la no teu peito Não podes travá-la nas espirais do seu doce feitiço Pode...
Carmilla [Russian translation]
Тень её чёрна -- у кроватей да мои… Бело платье -- ты почувствуй на груди… Ты не можешь -- кольца чар остановить… Можешь в чувствах --близко в сердце ...
Carmilla [Serbian translation]
Njena crna senka u podnožju tvoga kreveta Njenu čistu belu haljinu možeš osetiti na svojim grudima Ne možeš je zaustaviti u bacanju njenih slatkih čin...
Carnival Day lyrics
All is dancing around the evil's eye; clowns in black on the cart are throwing bits of flesh Evil dolls without mouths are singing a symphony of death...
Carnival Day [Serbian translation]
Sve pleše pred očima đavola, klovnovi u crnom bacaju delove tela na kolica Zle lutke bez usta pevaju simfoniju smrti, veštice se smeju dok piju krv de...
Carpathian Spells lyrics
When the horizon will be red blood wherever he is or goes I will be with you, you walk the path of seven black candles Vision of black might...dream o...
Cursed lyrics
When the darkness falls you see a new world the winter's embrace the forest Silence...deep secret hidden in the dark the witches and their s...
Cursed [Greek translation]
Όταν πέφτει το σκοτάδι βλέπεις ένα καινούργιο κόσμο η αγκαλιά του χειμώνα χάθηκε..στο δάσος Σιωπή...βαθύ μυστικό κρυμμένο στο σκοτάδι οι μάγισσες και ...
Cursed [Serbian translation]
Kada padne mrak videćeš novi svet Zimski zagrljaj izgubljen je... u šumi Tišina... duboka tajna Skrivena u tami Veštice i njihove čini Drveće izgleda ...
Dances with Satan lyrics
Dances with Satan into the Pentagram, drink the blood of virgins Rape a nun on the altar your mind out of control!! Enchanted from this macabre atmosp...
Der Makabre Tanz Des Vampires [German Extended Version] lyrics
Unheilig, blutig, fickender sauger Bin deein Albstraum, deine Vardammung Heut nacht saugen wir dein Blut Heut nacht ficken wir deine Seele Danse! Dans...
Der Makabre Tanz Des Vampires [German Extended Version] [English translation]
Unheilig, blutig, fickender sauger Bin deein Albstraum, deine Vardammung Heut nacht saugen wir dein Blut Heut nacht ficken wir deine Seele Danse! Dans...
Dominions lyrics
Power of the Dark. Age of eternal fear We pray the moon and the dark lord... Against the light, against the light We are the sons of the dark we are t...
Dracole Waide lyrics
"Iohannis Dragulae immanis atque nefanda crudelitas eiusque In regem Hungariae deprehensa perfidia et tandem captivitas..." [from the book "Pius II : ...
Dust lyrics
Shadows are playing with the light All that I see Drive me into this agony Time blows the life far away I follow this strange symphony Dust nothing mo...
Enthrone the Dark Angel lyrics
Night without moon... obscure clouds in the sky whispers from twilight... terror so fine! Ancient omen of cursed age hell is coming on the Earth Enthr...
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