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Abrazame lyrics
Tienes que saber Que es lo último que pido, Que estoy desesperado, Y según mis latidos No me queda mucho tiempo a mi favor Y antes de perder De vista ...
Abrazame [Croatian translation]
Trebaš znati Da je ovo posljednje što tražim Da sam očajan I prema otkucajima srca Ne ostaje mi puno vremena u moju korist Prije nego što izgubim Svoj...
Abrazame [English translation]
You have to know That this is the last i ask That i am desperate And according to my beats I don't have much time to my favor And before losing Sight ...
Abrazame [English translation]
You have the know That it’s the last thing i am asking you I am desperate And according to my senses There’s no much time left at my favour. And befor...
Abrazame [English translation]
You need to know That it’s the last thing i am asking you I am desperate And according to my senses There’s no much time left at my favor. And before ...
Abrazame [French translation]
Il faut que tu saches Que c'est la dernière chose que je demande, Que je suis désespéré, Et selon les battements de mon coeur Il ne me reste pas beauc...
Abrazame [Greek translation]
Πρέπει να μαθεις Οτι ειναι το τελευταίο που ζητάω, Οτι είμαι απεγνωσμένος Και σύμφωνα με τους σφυγμούς μου Δεν μου μενει πολύς χρόνος με το μέρος μού ...
Abrazame [Italian translation]
Devi sapere E' l'ultima cosa che chiedo Che sono disperato E dal mio punto di vista Non mi resta molto tempo a mio favore E prima di perdere Guarda il...
Abrazame [Korean translation]
너는 알아야 해. 내가 묻는 마지막 것이 무언지를 나가 절망적이라는 걸 그리고 내 심장 박동에 따르면 내 열정에 많은 시간이 남아있질 않아. 그리고 잃기 전에, 내 방식대로 보기 전에, 널 조금은 보고 싶어. 운명이란 걸 꿈꾸며 너와 함께하는 내 사랑이야. 여기 잠깐 ...
Abrazame [Macedonian translation]
Треба да знаеш дека ова е последно што барам, дека сум очаен, и според моите отчукувања не ми останува многу време во моја корист И пред да го изгубам...
Abrazame [Polish translation]
Musisz wiedzieć Że to ostatnia rzecz, o jaką proszę Jestem zdesperowany I zgodnie z biciem mojego serca Nie pozostaje mi wiele czasu na moją korzyść I...
Abrazame [Romanian translation]
Trebuie să ştii Că este ultimul lucru pe care îl cer Că sunt disperat Şi după presentimentele mele Nu mai am mult timp în favoarea mea Şi înainte să p...
Abrazame [Serbian translation]
Treba da znaš Da je ovo poslednje što ti tražim Da sam očajan I osećam da Ne ostaje mi puno vremena u moju korist Pre nego što izgubim Iz vida svoj pu...
Absurda gravedad lyrics
Arde el universo. Nace una galaxia en cada beso. Relativa oscuridad estamos más allá del bien y del mal. El alma y el deseo en un viaje astral que ya ...
Absurda gravedad [English translation]
It burns the universe Born a galaxy in each kiss Relative darkness We are beyond of good and evil The soul and desire in an astral trip That I already...
Adicto al dolor lyrics
Puertas cerradas que no quiero abrir, no tengo nada teniéndote a ti Sigo enredándome en las sombras, me acostumbré a morir por ti Soy mi enemigo y no ...
Aléjate de mí lyrics
Aléjate de mí y hazlo pronto antes de que te mienta Tu cielo se hace gris Yo ya camino bajo la tormenta Aléjate de mí, escapa ve que ya no debo verte ...
Aléjate de mí [Croatian translation]
Udalji se od mene i napravi to brzo prije nego što ti slažem Tvoje nebo postaje sivo Ja već hodam ispod oluje Udalji se od mene, bježi, ne smijem te v...
Aléjate de mí [Dutch translation]
Ga bij me weg, en doe het snel, voordat ik tegen je begin te liegen Je hemel wordt grijs Ik loop al in de storm Ga bij me weg, ontsnap, ga heen, ik mo...
Aléjate de mí [English translation]
Get away from me, and do it soon before I lie to you Your sky is turning grey I'm already walking under the storm Get away from me, go, escape I shoul...
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