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Xavier Naidoo lyrics
Dieser Weg [English translation]
So I took the step to walk this road That would lead me to the sea Last night you sang a song for me you wrote It was echoing in me Just a few steps a...
Dieser Weg [English translation]
(So) I was travelling along a path - and that path (also) lead to me, The song you sang yesterday evening resonated with me, Another few steps along m...
Dieser Weg [English translation]
So I went along this road and it led towards me The song you sang last night is now playing within me A couple more steps and there I was1 with the ke...
Dieser Weg [English translation]
So I went this street along and the street lead to me. The song, that you sang last evening, is played now in me. One more pair of steps and I was the...
Dieser Weg [English translation]
I went down the street and the street lead to me. The song, that you sang last evening, played only in me. One more pair of steps and I was there with...
Dieser Weg [French translation]
Alors j'ai marché le long de cette rue, et cette rue m'a mené à moi-même La chanson que tu as chantée la nuit dernière joue toujours en moi Encore que...
Dieser Weg [Greek translation]
Έτσι ακολούθησα αυτόν τον δρόμο και ο δρόμος οδήγησε σε μένα. Το τραγούδι, που τραγουδούσες τη τελευταία βραδιά, παίζει τώρα μέσα μου. Μερικά βήματα α...
Dieser Weg [Hungarian translation]
Szóval végigmentem ezen az utcán, és az utca hozzád vezetett. A dal, amit az előző este énekeltél, mostantól csak nekem szól. Még egy pár lépés és ott...
Dieser Weg [Indonesian translation]
Maka berjalanlah aku sepanjang jalan ini, dan jalan ini menuntunku. Sebuah lagu, yang kau nyanyikan kemarin malam, kini bermain dalam pikiranku. Masih...
Dieser Weg [Italian translation]
Così ho camminato lungo questa strada e la strada mi ha portato. La canzone che hai cantato l'ultima notte sta ora giocando in me. A pochi passi, e po...
Dieser Weg [Macedonian translation]
Odam po ovaa ulica i taa vodi kon mene. Pesnata, kojasto ti ja peese poslednata vecer, sega sviri vo mene. Uste nekolku cekori i bev tamu, so klucevit...
Dieser Weg [Polish translation]
Awięc szedłem wzdłuż tej drogi i ta droga prowadziła do mnie. Piosenka, którąśpiewałeś ostatniego wieczoru, gra teraz we mnie. Jeszcze kilka kroków i ...
Dieser Weg [Portuguese translation]
Assim eu fui ao longo dessa rua e a rua me guiou até mim. A música que você cantou na noite passada estava tocando na minha cabeça agora. Apenas mais ...
Dieser Weg [Portuguese translation]
Eu andei ao longo dessa estrada e ela me conduzia. A canção que tu cantaste na noite passada agora ressoa em mim. Mais alguns passos e então eu estava...
Dieser Weg [Russian translation]
Как-то раз гулял я по улице И дорога привела ко мне. Песню пела ты прошлым вечером И она звучит в моей голове. После двух шагов оказался я Перед дверь...
Dieser Weg [Serbian translation]
Tako sam išao niz ovu ulicu, a ulica je vodila do mene. Pesma koju si sinoć pevala, sad svira u meni. Još nekoliko koraka, i onda sam bio tu, sa ključ...
Dieser Weg [Spanish translation]
Yo recorría este largo camino, y el camino me guiaba. La canción que cantabas la última noche sólo sonaba dentro de mí. Un par de pasos más y entonces...
Dieser Weg [Tongan translation]
Pea 'alu au he hala ni kotoa pea a'u 'e he hala 'o foki 'atu kiate au Ko e fasi na'e hiva'i koe 'ane'afi, 'a ia 'oku ta leva 'i loto au. Ko e ki'i ong...
Dieser Weg [Turkish translation]
Bu sokak boyunca gittim ve sokak beni kendime götürdü. Geçen gece söylediğin şarkı şimdi içimde çalıyor. Birkaç adım daha ve sonra ordaydım bu kapının...
Dieser Weg [Turkish translation]
Yol boyunce yürüdüm ve yol beni götürdü. Dün gece söylediğin şarkı şimdi bende çalıyor Bir kaç adım daha ve elimde anahtar ile bu kapıdaydım. Bu yol k...
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