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Garbage lyrics
I Think I'm Paranoid [Portuguese translation]
Você pode olhar, mas não pode tocar Eu não acho gostar muito de você O céu sabe o que uma garota pode fazer O céu sabe o que você deveria fazer para m...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Romanian translation]
Poti privi dar nu poti atinge Nu cred ca te plac prea mult Cerul stie ce poate face o fata Cerul stie ce ai de dovedit Cred ca sunt paranoica si compl...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Romanian translation]
Poţi să te uiţi dar nu poţi să atingi Nu cred că îmi place aşa de mult de tine Raiul ştie ce o fată poate Raiul știe ce trebuie să dovedești Cred că s...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Russian translation]
Ты можешь смотреть, но не можешь прикоснуться, Я не думаю, что ты мне так уж нравишься. Лишь небесам известно, на что способна девушка, Лишь небесам и...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Serbian translation]
Možeš da gledaš,ali ne i da dodirneš Mislim da mi se ne sviđaš mnogo Raj zna šta devojka može da uradi Raj zna šta ti treba da dokažeš Mislim da sam p...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Spanish translation]
Puedes ver pero no puedes tocar No creo que me gustes mucho Dios sabe lo que una chica puede hacer Dios sabe lo que tienes que probar Creo que estoy p...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Swedish translation]
Du kan titta men du kan inte röra Jag tror inte jag tycker om dig mycket Himlen vet vad en tjej kan göra Himlen vet vad du har att bevisa Jag tror jag...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Turkish translation]
Bakabilirsin ama dokunamazsın Senden çok hoşlandığımı düşünmüyorum Tanrı bilir bir kızın neler yapabileceğini Tanrı bilir senin neyi kanıtlaman gerekt...
I Think I'm Paranoid [Ukrainian translation]
Ти можеш дивитися, та не торкатися Я не думаю, що ти мені дуже подобаєшся Тільки небо відає що може дівчина утнути Тільки небо відає що мусиш довести ...
If I Lost You lyrics
There are times when I see you talking to other girls I feel insecure And every time I see you walking out I wonder if you're coming back to me You te...
It's All Over But The Crying lyrics
Everything you think you know baby Is wrong And everything you think you had baby Is gone Certain things turn ugly when you think too hard And nagging...
It's All Over But The Crying [Croatian translation]
Sve što je misliš da znaš, dušo Krivo je I sve što misliš da si imao, dušo Otišlo je Određene stvari postaju ružne kad previše razmišljaš I tvrdoglave...
It's All Over But The Crying [French translation]
Tout ce que tu penses savoir, bébé, Est faux Et tout ce que tu pensais avoir, bébé, Est parti Certaines choses s'enlaidissent quand on pense trop Et d...
It's All Over But The Crying [Greek translation]
Oτιδήποτε νομίζεις ότι ξέρεις μωρό μου είναι λάθος Και οτιδήποτε νομίζεις ότι είχες μωρό μου έχει χαθεί Ορισμένα πράγματα γίνονται άσχημα όταν σκέφτεσ...
It's All Over But The Crying [Spanish translation]
Todo lo que crees saber, cariño, esta mal Y todo lo que crees tener, cariño, se ha ido Ciertas cosas se tornan feas cuando piensas demasiado y pensami...
Kick My Ass lyrics
I'm so sorry you had to kick my ass You said I ruined your life I didn't mean to do that I had to untangle where we was entwined You were strangling m...
Lick the Pavement lyrics
You've got my number, you know what I need And I go crazy whenever I bleed Won't you come over? I swear I'll be nice My girlfriend told me that you'd ...
Love Like Suicide lyrics
All the money, all the pearls All the rubies in the world They can't buy her They can't have her They'll just have to use somebody else All the money ...
Magnetized lyrics
I'm not in love, I'm not in love And there will be no future tense for us I cannot lie, I know it isn't right to want you Most of the time I stop myse...
Magnetized [Bulgarian translation]
Не съм влюбена, не съм влюбена... И няма да има бъдеще време за нас. Не мога да лъжа - знам, че не е редно да те желая. През повечето време се възспир...
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