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Garbage lyrics
Dumb lyrics
I never claimed to be your savior I said I had a dirty mouth Stop analyzing my behavior if you're too dumb to work it out I've got to keep myself toge...
Dumb [Danish translation]
Jeg påstod aldrig at være din frelser Jeg sagde jeg havde en beskidt mund Stop med at analysere min adfærd Hvis du er for dum til at regne den ud Jeg ...
Dumb [Spanish translation]
Nunca dije que fuera tu salvadora Dije que tenía una boca sucia Deja de analizar mi comportamiento Si eres demasiado tonto como para descifrarlo Tengo...
Empty lyrics
I've been feeling so frustrated I'll never be as great as I want to be Everyone that I run into The ones you always seem so into What's wrong with me?...
Even Though Our Love Is Doomed lyrics
I'm getting desperate Desperate for a revolution Some kind of spark Some kind of connection In these dangerous days Come a little bit closer I need to...
Even Though Our Love Is Doomed [Russian translation]
Я в отчаянии. Мне отчаянно нужна революция. Какая-нибудь искра. Какой-нибудь контакт. В эти опасные дни. Подойди поближе - Мне нужно понять. Почему мы...
Even Though Our Love Is Doomed [Spanish translation]
Estoy desesperada Desperada por tener una revolución Alguna pizca Alguna conexión En estos días peligrosos Acercate un poco más Necesito entender ¿Por...
Felt lyrics
Felt sure you felt something Felt sure, but it really was nothing You felt, but you're only guessing They're only feelings, baby They're only feelings...
Fix Me Now lyrics
Things don't have to be this way Catch me on a better day Bury me above the clouds All the way from here Take away the things I need Take away my fear...
Fix Me Now [Chinese translation]
事情不需這樣 在更好的天再找我 埋葬我在雲之上 從這裏去到那裡 帶走我需要的東西 帶走我的恐懼 隱藏我在空洞的海灣 從此幸福 所有我可以貢獻的什麼 早已枯竭了 馬上修理我,我願你會 (馬上修理我) 令我回生 (馬上修理我) 吻盲我,有人應該 (馬上修理我) 從空變成光 轟然無聲,壞了 墜入黑夜 誰放...
Fix Me Now [Croatian translation]
Ne mora biti ovako Uhvati me kad sam bolje Pokopaj me iznad oblaka Cijelim putem odavde Uzmi stvari koje trebam Uzmi moj strah Sakrij me u prazan zvuk...
Flipping the Bird lyrics
I stopped listening to you years ago You always think that you know best, I know I hear you explain things from the other room (The other room) You sp...
Get Busy With The Fizzy lyrics
Well, I might just consider this If you don't let me down If you can keep me happy, well, you can stick around Now, I don't care for sycophants, they ...
Girl Don't Come lyrics
Girl, don't come, If it's all been said and done Don't hang around, let them kick back off the ground, let them kick back off the ground Girl, don't c...
Girls Talk lyrics
Stop those voices in your head They eat away your will You've everything you need Hate the way they make you weak They bring you to your knees And ste...
Girls Talk [Serbian translation]
Zaustavi te glasove u svojoj glavi Pojele su tvoju volju Imaš sve što ti je potrebno Mrziš način na koji te slabe Dovode te na kolena I kradu tvoju sn...
Godhead lyrics
Would you deceive me? If I had a dick Would you know it? Would you blow it? If I had a dick Would you know it? If I had a dick Would you blow it? Woul...
Hammering in my head lyrics
I'm stressed but you're freestyle I'm overworked but I'm undersexed I must be made of concrete I sign my name across your chest Give out the same old ...
Hammering in my head [Danish translation]
Jeg er stresset men du er i frigjort Jeg er overarbejdende men seksuelt underernæret Jeg må være lavet af beton Jeg skriver mit navn henover dit bryst...
Happy Home lyrics
In my happy home I barely breathe In my lovers arms I find relief And there's a sky that's changing and a bird that sings I never once in my wayward l...
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