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Garbage lyrics
Bleed Like Me [French translation]
Avalanche est maussade est trop maigre Elle s'affame pour se débarrasser du péché Et elle prend tellement son pied lorsqu'elle voit ses os sous sa pea...
Blood For Poppies lyrics
Salute the sun, I've been sitting here all night long Hauling rock over Buddha with the Longhorn I got a hole, so rip a pocket off my uniform With the...
Blood For Poppies [Chinese translation]
向太陽敬禮 我整晚坐在這裡 越過“佛陀”拖拉石塊與“長角牛” 我件衣服一部分撕開了,所以從軍服上掏出一個口袋 與黑衛士伙子們,放低你們的頭 哦 責任叫我,但為時已晚 我太入迷了 等待戈多地獄 與我的褲子在放下 劈開藏匿處 送我在正午的陽光中哭泣 我想念我的狗,我想念我的自由 Ooh ooh oohh...
Blood For Poppies [Russian translation]
Чтобы встретить восход солнца, Я просидела здесь всю ночь, Раскуривая косяк над Буддой с длинным рогом, Порвала форму и отодрала карман, Рядом черные ...
Boys Wanna Fight lyrics
The boys wanna fight But the girls are happy to dance all night They know best how they can mess with us Nursing an opinion's getting dangerous And in...
Breaking Up The Girl lyrics
In a modern culture My friend you must be careful They've got million ways to kill you In this dangerous world There’s an art to growing old Taking ch...
Bright Tonight lyrics
From the beginning, we were always going to fail We were the next thing that the world could not wait to tear down Off balance in our own minds Off ba...
Butterfly Collector lyrics
So you finally got what you wanted You've achieved your aim by making the walking lame When you just can't get any higher You use your senses to suss ...
Can't Cry These Tears lyrics
I just don't care anymore I've reached the end of the rope I just don't care anymore Won't cry these tears anymore Can't find it in the bible Can't fi...
Can’t Seem to Make you Mine lyrics
I can't seem to make you mine Kissin' all around all the time Flyin' around like a bee Hurtin' everything you see I tried everything I know To make yo...
Cherry Lips [Go Baby Go!] lyrics
She gave you everything she had But she was young and dumb She'd just turned twenty-one She didn't care to hang around So when the shit came down Why ...
Cherry Lips [Go Baby Go!] [Bulgarian translation]
Tя ти даде всичко, което имаше, уви, бешеглупава и млада . Едванавършила 21. Тя не мислеше да се застоява, така че, когато се объркаха нещата, веченик...
Cherry Lips [Go Baby Go!] [French translation]
Elle t'a donné tout ce qu'elle avait Mais elle était jeune et idiote Elle venait seulement d'avoir vingt et un ans Ca lui était égal de traîner Alors ...
Cherry Lips [Go Baby Go!] [Serbian translation]
Дала ти је све сто је имала Али тада је била млада и глупа Тек што је напунила двадесет једну годину Није је занимало да се дружи Зато, када је кренул...
Cherry Lips [Go Baby Go!] [Slovak translation]
Dala ti všetko, čo mala Ale bola mladá a hlúpa Bolo jejčoskoro 21 Nemala chuť čakať Takže keď došlo na prúser, Akože nebola nikde k nájdeniu Život uro...
Cherry Lips [Go Baby Go!] [Spanish translation]
Te dio todo lo que tenia Pero ella era joven y tonta Acababa de cumplir los veinte y uno No encontró objeción a salir contigo Entonces pues, cuanto la...
Control lyrics
The world might end, The night might fall. Rain on down and cover us all, And drown us with the burdens of our sins. Maybe I'll look you in the eye, T...
Control [Greek translation]
Ο κόσμος μπορεί να τελειώσει Η νύχτα μπορεί να πέσει Πέφτει με ένταση και μας καλύπτει όλους Και μας πνίγει με τα βάρη των αμαρτιών μας Ίσως σε κοιτάξ...
Control [Serbian translation]
Svetu može doći kraj Može pasti noć Pasti kiša i pokriti nas sve I udaviti nas pod bremenom naših grehova Možda ću te pogledati u oči Možda ću ti reći...
Control [Spanish translation]
Puede que el mundo se acabe, Puede que la noche caiga. Que la lluvia caiga y nos cubra a todos, Y nos ahogue con el peso de nuestros pecados. Tal vez ...
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