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Garbage lyrics
All The Good In This Life lyrics
Once, when I was a girl I could have given you A ride for you money Oh, but how times have changed Although you do look cute In those red cowboy boots...
Amends lyrics
You gave an inch, I took a mile You lit a match, I set our fire You know they say to make amends Face to face And though I know it's not my place To t...
Amends [French translation]
Tu m'as donné un doigt, j'ai pris le coude Allume une amulette, je nous embrase Tu sais bien ce qu'il disent, faut être désolé Face à face Pour ce j'e...
Androgyny lyrics
When everything is going wrong And you can't see the point of going on Nothing in life is set in stone There's nothing that can't be turned around Nob...
Androgyny [Greek translation]
Όταν όλα πάνε στραβά Και δε μπορείς να βρεις το λόγο να συνεχίζεις Τίποτα στη ζωή δεν είναι γραμμένο Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα που να μην μπορεί να αντιστραφ...
Anonymous XXX lyrics
Love is pain, pain is love Love is immortal, love is God Hope is eternal, eternal life Halfway in is halfway nice She tastes like danger, tastes of fu...
Anonymous XXX [Spanish translation]
El amor es dolor, el dolor es amor El amor es infinito, el amor es Dios La esperanza es eterna, la vida es eterna Estar a mitad de camino está bien El...
As Heaven Is Wide lyrics
Nothing that you say will release you Nothing that you pray would forgive you Nothing's what your words mean to me Something that you did will destroy...
Automatic Systematic Habit lyrics
The lies lies lies you love those lies, You tell them straight, Straight to my face They feel so right They keep you safe And you're so... Good at it,...
Automatic Systematic Habit [Turkish translation]
Yalanlar, yalanlar, yalanlar Seversin sen şu yalanları Doğruca söylersin, Doğruca suratıma Doğru hissettirirler. Güvende tutarlar Ve sen çok... İyisin...
Bad Boyfriend lyrics
I've got a fever Come check it and see There's something burning and rolling in me We may not last but we'll have fun till it ends C'mon baby be my ba...
Bad Boyfriend [Greek translation]
Έχω έναν πυρετό Έλα να δεις Κάτι με καίει και βράζει μέσα μου Μπορεί να μην κρατήσουμε αλλά θα περάσουμε καλά μέχρι να τελειώσει Έλα μωρό μου γίνε το ...
Battle In Me lyrics
Look at you, an accident of drinking What a mess, a train wreck of lipstick What a joke, but do you hear me laughing? Get out my face before I lose my...
Beloved Freak lyrics
You're not certain when you feel Hurt, get violent when you deal With how the world drags you along You're not alone Nothing good was ever free No one...
Beloved Freak [Russian translation]
Ты не уверен, когда чувств(уешь/вовать), Ранишься и стервенеешь, имея дело С тем, как мир тащит тебя за собой. Ты не один. Ничто хорошее не было (своб...
Big Bright World lyrics
We are difficult to understand It was hard to make the simple plan work Difficult and that's what made it burn You're a satellite around my heart One ...
Blackout lyrics
Keeping my thoughts under wraps tonight Keeping my feelings to myself I'm already broken hearted So let's get this party started The darkness comes wi...
Blackout [Chinese translation]
今晚我掩蓋我的思想 不說出我的感情 我已經心碎了 所以讓我們開始 黑暗同你來 帶著渴望 你的怒火在你眼中燃燒 它們像燒煤一樣閃爍 不要逗留在你的腦海裡,不要逗留在你的腦海裡 盡量不要思考,冷靜,假裝 簡化自己,麻痺自己 假裝至到你成功,與世界決裂 昏厥 你心裡養的所有受傷 你最好咳出來 像玻璃碎片一...
Bleed Like Me lyrics
Avalanche is sullen and too thin She starves herself to rid herself of sin And the kick is so divine when she sees bones beneath her skin And she says...
Bleed Like Me [Croatian translation]
Avalanche je potištena i premršava Izgladnjuje se da bi se riješila grijeha I osjećaj je božanstven kad vidi kosti ispod kože I ona kaže: Hej dušo bi ...
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