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Linkin Park lyrics
All for Nothing [Turkish translation]
Evet, Ah, öyleyse niçin bekliyorsun Daha fazlasını seziyorsun Niye tartışıyorsun,bir savaşı kışkırtmak için ne gerekir, Evet,nefret ediyorum nefret ed...
And One lyrics
Where should I start Disjointed heart I've got no commitment To my own flesh and blood Left all alone Far from my home No one to hear me, to heal my i...
And One [Czech translation]
Kde bych měl začít? Rozpojené srdce nemám závazek k mému vlastnímu tělu a krvi opustil jsem vše Daleko od domova Nikdo mě neslyší, aby vyléčil mé zran...
And One [German translation]
Wo soll ich anfangen zusammenhangloses Herz Ich hab keine Verbindung zu meinem eigenen Fleisch und Blut Ganz alleine gelassen weit weg von zu Hause Ke...
And One [Greek translation]
Από που θα έπρεπε να εκκινήσω, εξαρθρωμένη καρδιά ; Δεν έχω καμία δέσμευση στη δική μου σάρκα και το αίμα μου. Τελείως αποξενωμένος, μακριά από το σπί...
And One [Serbian translation]
Gde da pocnem Rastavljenog srca Nemam nikakvu obavezu prema krvi i mesu Ostavljen sam Daleko od svog doma NIkog nema da me cuje, da izleci mi nesrecno...
And One [Turkish translation]
Nereden başlamalıyım Parçalanmış kalp Söz vermiyorum Kendi bedenim ve kanım için Yapayalnız bıraktın Uzak evimden Beni duyan, hasta kalbimi iyileştire...
Animals lyrics
This is where the pain comes from, this is how the payback sounds. This is why the fire goes up, this is why the walls come down. You ain't never been...
Animals [Czech translation]
This is where the pain comes from, this is how the payback sounds. This is why the fire goes up, this is why the walls come down. You ain't never been...
Animals [German translation]
This is where the pain comes from, this is how the payback sounds. This is why the fire goes up, this is why the walls come down. You ain't never been...
Animals [Greek translation]
This is where the pain comes from, this is how the payback sounds. This is why the fire goes up, this is why the walls come down. You ain't never been...
Animals [Spanish translation]
This is where the pain comes from, this is how the payback sounds. This is why the fire goes up, this is why the walls come down. You ain't never been...
Animals [Turkish translation]
This is where the pain comes from, this is how the payback sounds. This is why the fire goes up, this is why the walls come down. You ain't never been...
Apaches ["Until it Breaks" 1st demo] lyrics
[1st Verse:] It goes a 1, 2, 3... I was born with the hunger of a lion, the strength of the sun. I don't need to sweat it when a competition come. Ori...
Apaches ["Until it Breaks" 1st demo] [Greek translation]
[1st Verse:] It goes a 1, 2, 3... I was born with the hunger of a lion, the strength of the sun. I don't need to sweat it when a competition come. Ori...
Asbestos lyrics
[1st Verse:] Don't start with the ugly part. Don't end with the things that will make them want to walk away. Tune in at the din again. Another price ...
Asbestos [Greek translation]
[1st Verse:] Don't start with the ugly part. Don't end with the things that will make them want to walk away. Tune in at the din again. Another price ...
Basil lyrics
yeah heh yeah And I'm taking my time. I'm shaping and shaking the rhyme like I'm staking my claim. Like I'm making a bomb, I'm making it simple and pl...
Basil [Greek translation]
yeah heh yeah And I'm taking my time. I'm shaping and shaking the rhyme like I'm staking my claim. Like I'm making a bomb, I'm making it simple and pl...
Battle Symphony lyrics
I got a long way to go And a long memory I've been searching for an answer Always just out of reach Blood on the floor Sirens repeat I've been searchi...
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